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December 16th Do Now: 2 minutes to prepare for your quiz on the PPT and CH 1-3.

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Presentation on theme: "December 16th Do Now: 2 minutes to prepare for your quiz on the PPT and CH 1-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 16th Do Now: 2 minutes to prepare for your quiz on the PPT and CH 1-3.

2 Do Now Quiz The Jungle: 1. What is the purpose of the author including the detail about the denial of Ona’s request for a day off? What does it show? 2. What is it about Jurgis that people can tell he is from the country? 3. What is the hog-squeal of the universe? Political Machines: 4. Boss Tweed was the head of which political machine? 5. What was civil service reform?

3  In class we’ve been learning about Urban growth and the challenges presented by the growth of the United States.  What are some of the urban problems we talked about?

4 In-class Essay  The US is a powerful country. It has had a democratic government longer than any other country on earth. It is filled with many caring people. It’s also true that the US is not perfect. Below are problems that continue to nag America.  Factory jobs leaving the country  Costly health care  Weak schools  Drugs  Gang violence  Too much dependence on fossil fuels like coal and oil  Homelessness  Income gap between rich and poor  Overpopulation  High taxes  Environmental issues  Women’s rights  Child labor  Sanitation

5 With a partner do the following tasks:  Task one: Identify one problem that would make it easiest to solve the other nine problems.  Task two: Explain how solving your number one problem would make it easier to solve six other problems on the list below.  Factory jobs leaving the country  Costly health care  Weak schools  Drugs  Gang violence  Too much dependence on fossil fuels like coal and oil  Homelessness  Income gap between rich and poor  Overpopulation  High taxes

6 Progressivism: Where will you put your Million Dollars?  Read aloud as a class.  What is the main task of this essay?

7 Progressivism Background Essay  Read and Discuss the Background Essay questions.

8 Document A  Look at the document and answer the Document Analysis Questions.

9 Document B  Look at the document and answer the Document Analysis Questions.

10 Document C  Look at the document and answer the Document Analysis Questions.

11 Document D  Look at the document and answer the Document Analysis Questions.

12 Homework  Create a comprehensive Essay-Outline so that you are prepared for tomorrow’s In-Class Essay. The better prepared you are, the better your portfolio grade will be.

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