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Specimen Collections.

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1 Specimen Collections

2 Urine Specimens Random specimen Clean-voided or midstream specimen
Sterile specimen Timed urine specimen Urine Collection in Children

3 Urine Specimens Clean catch midstream Explain procedure
Open kit – surgical asepsis Female: clean front to back, hold labia apart for collection Male: cleanse end of penis, circular motion Initiate stream, then collect specimen

4 Clean catch midstream (cont.)
Urine Specimens Clean catch midstream (cont.) Label on specimen Biohazard bag Requisition on outside of bag

5 Sterile (from catheter)
Urine Specimens Sterile (from catheter) Clamp below port Wipe port with antimicrobial swab Insert needle (3ml; 23-25g) Aspirate 3-5 ml. Transfer urine aseptically to container Label, bag, requisition

6 Urine Specimens Timed Specimens creatinine clearance
protein quanitification adrenocortical steroids

7 Timed Specimens (cont.)
Urine Specimens Timed Specimens (cont.) Begins: after client voids Discard sample and indicate starting time on: 1) Collection container 2) Lab requisition slip 3) Bathroom or bedside

8 Timed Specimens (cont.)
Urine Specimens Timed Specimens (cont.) Collect in clean container Empty into large container immediately On ice or preservative Void at end of time & send to lab

9 Collection in children
Urine Specimens Collection in children Clear plastic single use bags Do not squeeze urine from diaper

10 Common tests done on urine
UA = urinalysis Specific Gravity Urine Culture

11 Urinalysis (normal values)
pH ( ) average 6.0 Protein (none) Glucose (none) Ketones (none) Blood (up to 2 RBC’S) Specific gravity ( ) WBC’S (0-4) Bacteria (none) Casts (none)

12 Fecal Specimens Ch. 45 Hemacult or guaiac Ova and Parasites
Culture and Sensitivity

13 Indications for collection:
Fecal Specimens Indications for collection: Tumors Hemorrhage Infection

14 Fecal Specimens Collection: Pt. instruction
Can not be mixed with water or urine 1 inch formed stool 15-30 ml liquid, diarheal stool Avoid delays in sending Ova and Parasites: require keeping warm

15 Fecal Specimens Guaiac Fecal occult blood FOBT Hemacult – most common
Microscopic amounts of blood Screening for: colon ca, anticoagulants, GI disorders

16 Sputum Specimens Culture Cytology AFB = Tuberculosis

17 Sputum Specimens Collection: Teach to cough effectively
Keep inside of container sterile Document: color, consistency, amt, odor Early morning specimen

18 GLUCOMETER Blood glucose Normal values Indications for checking

19 Review Questions In a timed urine collection, any missed specimens will extend the end time. TRUE OR FALSE?

20 Review Questions When collecting a urine specimen from an infant – it is OK to squeeze urine from the diaper? TRUE OR FALSE?

21 Review Questions A urine culture can be obtained from a urinalysis

22 Review Questions If a client is taking iron supplements, the hemacult test will show a false positive. TRUE OR FALSE?

23 Review Questions When collecting a stool specimen for ova a parasites, the nurse should refrigerate the specimen untill it can be transported to the lab TRUE OR FALSE?

24 Review Questions When is the best time to obtain a sputum specimen?

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