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BE-CO review Looking back at LS1 CERN 774-2-058 1/12/2015 Delphine Jacquet BE/OP/LHC Denis Cotte BE/OP/PS 1.

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Presentation on theme: "BE-CO review Looking back at LS1 CERN 774-2-058 1/12/2015 Delphine Jacquet BE/OP/LHC Denis Cotte BE/OP/PS 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 BE-CO review Looking back at LS1 CERN 774-2-058 1/12/2015 Delphine Jacquet BE/OP/LHC Denis Cotte BE/OP/PS 1

2 OP particularity What worked well during LS1 What didn’t work well Possible improvement for LS2 Outline 2

3 OP is involved with software modifications in 2 ways As operational applications programmer: operational application need to be maintained, and are directly affected by the changes in all the CO layers (FESA, LSA, CMW, RDA etc..) As user of the control system: at the machine start-up OP directly suffers the consequences if the software upgrades are not properly handled: debugging by OP during operation Missing functionalities Some applications not working at all Delays in the start-up OP particularity 3

4 What worked well during LS1 ? LINAC2 Booster 4

5 Smooth upgrade good examples Upgrade of the timing system in CPS/SPS: New functionalities well discussed with OP, good collaboration. New management of the coast New management of the economy New hardware New version ready well before the SPS start-up Enough time to perform tests with OP, debug and correct if necessary Migration to SL4J: tools (ant task) and documentation provided for an easy update of code. 5

6 Machine Control Coordinators (MCC) One coordinator per machine to follow the control system renovation Document EDMS with a description of the controls upgrade for each system. Regular meetings for follow-up Very useful from the PS/PSB point of view, collaboration worked very well. No real interest from SPS and LHC point of view. 6

7 Dry runs in PS/PSB Expert presence to test the new software very much appreciated. Very efficient, faster debugging, problems solved quickly OP very involved with CO, good collaboration. In LHC : Tests of the operational scenario involving different equipment and systems Requires an operational control system to be in place: Settings management (LSA) Logging Sequencer CMW, DIP, etc… Control system already tested and debugged well before the start-up 7

8 What didn’t work well (or not as well) during LS1 ? LINAC2 Booster 8

9 FESA LINAC2 Booster FESA 3: Should have been ready, debug and stable at the beginning of LS1. fesa-code generation functionality for application developer promoted by CO, and it was widely used for FESA2. For FESA 3, this was not ready before the end of LS1, difficult to get stable, was seen as low priority. The mechanism was changed, new jars have now to be generated manually by the FESA developer, this is not systematically done. Delay in the operational application development. New tool to access FESA3, but no way easy to know if a device was migrated or not. (painful in OP) Migration FESA2 – FESA3 : no common rules or procedures (careful with change of device, property names, value types etc..) Avoid to much version number for a specific class or try to unify them. (ex:LTIM) 9

10 Lack of global and coherent planning LINAC2 Booster Applications had to be adapted several times : After the LSA API change: adapt code and test Migration of a class to FESA 3: adapt the code, test. RDA3 change, adapt the code, test Change of a device name, etc… Problem with jar compatibilities: pro jars provided by different product were no compatible preventing the application to start. (i.e. directory service) The jar order depended on which console the program was running: application could work on some consoles not on others. (solved now). 10

11 Change of API cost a lot ! LINAC2 Booster LSA change of API : Means huge work for OP to update and test all the applications. (orphan applications need to be taken over) Was done early enough for all the applications to be updated for the start-up. Wiki page was created to help to adapt the application to the new API, but it was not always straightforward to find equivalent methods. Nevertheless, the LSA team gave good support. Logging changed API twice in a year! (and no reason clearly explained to the users) JAPC: selector “xx.USER.ALL” not allowed, to be replaced by null. (every SPS applications impacted) This changes of API should really be avoided, or better tools put in place to help with the client software update. 11

12 CCDB, LSA DB, working sets LINAC2 Booster A lot of renaming of CCDB devices, properties + cleaning of LSA database: lot needed to be re-imported into LSA, but no automatic tool anymore! We had to call support for each modification, heavy! Working set and knob: following the migration to LSA, configuration tool was available much too late. need to use no-InCA WorkingSet to drive EIS devices in CPS complex. good training once available. Still waiting for Array2D compatibility in WorkingSet. Virtual devices works well to overcome this systemic problem 12

13 Tools, training Lack of training on how to use CO tools and software. i.e. how to use the LSA API to make a trim i.e. how to find you way in the jungle of JAPC Values family (MapParameterValue, ImmutableDiscreteFunction, Scalar etc…) How to use the timber API etc … New application given sometime without any explanation how to use it (i.e. new RBAC roles app) Poor documentation and lack of information on the web No proper search tools on CO site to find anything Wiki pages not easy to work with, difficult to find the right page, to know if the information are obsolete. Sometime the information exist but nobody knows, or we don’t have right to read. Have you ever tried to find how to use the dataviewer API? 13

14 Changes in CO organization LINAC2 Booster Change of software responsible : not easy at the start-up to know who to contact Less efficiency at the beginning, especially when the problems needed to be solved urgently. CPS complex has lost CO piquet during LS1. Necessity to analyze a bit more where a problem comes from before calling the CO expert. Generalization of the use of Op-issues : a very good tool to follow issues. (once the spam was removed) Generic mailing list for support : we had to change our good old habits, but proved to be efficient. (but provide a clear list of the support mailing list available) 14

15 Possible improvement for LS2 LINAC2 Booster 15

16 API changes, software upgrade Only backward compatible please! Provide a proper testing environment. 16

17 Planning LINAC2 Booster Planning of the released in a coherent way across systems. Have a clear strategy for us to know what will change and when. OP is responsible for high level operational application that depends on all the CO layers : we need the control system to be STABLE well before the start-up to have time to adapt and test out code. This is also applicable for equipment groups. OP involved into HW test: control system ready for devices to be controlled from the control room. Be aware of the accelerators that are still in operation (CTF3, LINAC4 commissioning…) 17

18 Engineering change request (ECR) LINAC2 Booster The ECR could be useful to document the major controls upgrades: CO3 decides which upgrade requires documenting (ECR) Form small teams to work out the specification and milestone schedule: Technical Leader (person from equipment group concerned) BE-OP machine responsible/representative BE-CO machine controls coordinator Take into account “the big picture” and include all dependencies and steps CCDB, LSA/InCA, Appl., Naming conventions, specialist and OP needs,…. Write this up in an ECR type document for approval Quite similar to the HW baseline ECRs, which should not be too heavy !!! 18

19 Push farther the collaboration OP/CO Continue the good collaboration that was in place in LS1 More training and guidelines from CO Training on CO products (LSA, JAPC, timber etc…) Basic training on generic tools like Sonar, Bamboo, crucible… (improvement of code quality) Work on common projects with OP programmers Learn from each other Code review Improve the trust on each other 19

20 Conclusion From OP point of view, most of the software upgrade have been handled properly and was no stopper for the machines start-up. Thanks to a good follow-up by CO Thanks to an excellent collaboration between the teams The OP developers of operational application had some difficulties mainly due to Non backward compatible API changes (LSA, timber, change of property, device names in FESA) Lack of global planning that multiplied the work to adapt the soft at each new upgrade. Lack of information and training Nevertheless CO gave enough support and the feeling is positive. 20

21 Conclusion For LS2, CO should take the same recipe, with some improvement on Non backward compatible change to be avoided Deliver stable version of low level software layers much earlier (FESA3!) Possibility to formalise and document the software upgrade thanks to the ECR. Improve information availability and training of development teams Enhance OP/CO collaboration with common development projects. 21

22 Thank You for your attention ! Questions ? 22

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