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Thomas Jefferson 3 rd President 1801-1809 (This is your title on the next blank page!)

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1 Thomas Jefferson 3 rd President 1801-1809 (This is your title on the next blank page!)

2 Revolution of 1800 It’s actually the opposite of what we think of being a revolution…no blood, no violence. It’s a revolution because it was so RADICAL…

3 Revolution of 1800 The first time power shifted from one political party to a different party…PEACEFULLY! Federalists  Democratic Republican

4 Views on Government: Stay out of our business! The government should protect the rights of the people! That’s about it! decreased the size of the federal gov

5 Believed the government should leave people and businesses alone! Let the economy do its thing…this is called: Free Market: government stays out of the economy

6 New Land!! By 1800 one million Americans lived between the Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi river. Needed to use New Orleans port for exporting Spain Sometimes Closed the port.

7 Control of Mississippi Remember….During Washington’s presidency, Thomas Pinckney negotiated the Pinckney Treaty which allowed Americans to ship their goods down the Mississippi and store them in New Orleans. In 1800 - Spain gave Louisiana back to France.

8 Napoleon Bonaparte-1803 France has a new leader…Napoleon! He needs money to fight his wars in Europe! Who needs all that land in America, anyway??

9 Louisiana Purchase (1803) Jefferson offers to buy New Orleans for $5 million. France sells all of Louisiana to Jefferson for $15 Million dollars. Doubles the size of the United States


11 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark The Louisiana territory was unexplored Jefferson is curious…what did we just buy?? He wants to map a route to the pacific also wanted to study the: Climate Indians (wanted trade) Plants Wildlife

12 Lewis and Clark 50 men made up the “Corps of Discovery” –Also included Clark’s African Slave 1804 left St. Louis and started up the Missouri. They brought –Peace medals, mirrors, beads, knives, blankets, and thousands of sewing needles and fishooks. During first winter the group stayed with the Mandans Indians where they met Sacagawea

13 Sacagawea-16 and Pregnant Was married to a French Canadian. –Agreed to accompany Lewis and Clark as translator Carried a baby with her along the trip helped out as a translator, doctor, and negotiator with other Indian tribes. The presence of her and her baby was a sign of peace Why?

14 Lewis and Clark In November 1805 after floating on canoes the group reached the Pacific Ocean. The return trip to St. Louis took another year. Took many years for people to migrate into the rugged land west. In 1812 the territory of New Orleans had enough population to apply for statehood and later became Louisiana.

15 Significance Lewis and Clark brought back valuable information on –The Climate –The Terrain –The Wildlife Also created a close relationship with many Indian tribes in attempt to set up trade relations with them.


17 Lewis and Clark Expedition Map a route to the Pacific Ocean Expedition is a success!! Westward expansion begins!

18 By the way…

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