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- Presentation of Slate - Procedure for voting. The purpose of this package is to present recommendations from the BOD.

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Presentation on theme: "- Presentation of Slate - Procedure for voting. The purpose of this package is to present recommendations from the BOD."— Presentation transcript:

1 - Presentation of Slate - Procedure for voting

2 The purpose of this package is to present recommendations from the BOD

3   Rhonda Arrington, Board President  Otis Campbell, Vice President  Prince E. Porter, Jr, Secretary  Queen Brown, Treasurer  Clarica Armstead, Director  Freeman L. Gault Jr, Director  Elmer James "Jim" Mason, Director  Rochelle T. Mason, Director  Carolyn Williams, Director Board Composition

4  Board Recommendation #1  Conference Theme: " Youth Building Respect and Responsibility for Future Rewards Success”  Reason: For clarification

5  Board Recommendation #2  Conference Mission: The mission of the AAYLC is to educate, empower, and enlighten youth to become critical thinkers, responsible citizens, and embrace the traditions, histories, and cultures of their our communities.  Reason: For clarification

6  Board Recommendation #3  Crisper focus on the Logo for Board official printed materials  Recommend using the logo used on the Black Polo Shirt  Reason: The current logo format is difficult to work with on letter heads, cards and other admin documents. Using a simpler/crisper logo for official business materials will save printing costs and presents a business like documentation Recommended Current

7  Board Recommendation #5  Pay a yearly stipend to the Treasurer  Reason:  The Treasurer is required to conduct AAYLC financial transactions and accounting year round  Cover time spent during tax preparation season  Annually review and revise, as needed, budget preparation materials

8   Conference Condolences and Gifts  Recommends allow committee members donate to the cause  For Planning Year 2012 spent $429.95 Board Recommendation #6

9   Establish a training budget for Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs  Reason:  Provide continuing education for Committee members on Non-Profit related topics  Benefit the conference execution and provide up-to- date ideas and processes  Budget of $3,000 [$55.00 x 3 (classes a yr) x 18 (Committees)] Board Recommendation #6


11   Finance Committee Recommends:  Purchase Laptop, printer and Quickbooks Pro software for AAYLC use Issue #1

12   Finance Committee Recommends:  Separate responsibilities of the Finance and Budget Committee to ease the workload of the chairperson Issue #2

13   Finance Committee Recommends:  Purchase an external hard drive to download the historical files from the computer Issue #3


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