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Preparing your Portfolio for Admission to Program (Gate 1) --EAA & ECA-- Department of Curriculum & Instruction College of Education and Human Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing your Portfolio for Admission to Program (Gate 1) --EAA & ECA-- Department of Curriculum & Instruction College of Education and Human Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing your Portfolio for Admission to Program (Gate 1) --EAA & ECA-- Department of Curriculum & Instruction College of Education and Human Sciences Questions: Dr. Sue McIntyre EAA/ECA Coordinator

2 Changes in teacher certification Teacher Preparation moves from a course and credit orientation to a performance and competency model. Teacher Preparation moves from a course and credit orientation to a performance and competency model. Increase teacher professional development opportunities Increase teacher professional development opportunities Set up a locally controlled process to manage certification process that puts you in charge of your own skill development Set up a locally controlled process to manage certification process that puts you in charge of your own skill development

3 Changes in Wisconsin: The Shift from PI3 & PI4 to PI 34 Testing Testing PPST PPST PRAXIS II PRAXIS II Portfolios Portfolios Gates in Pre-Service Education Gates in Pre-Service Education Career Portfolios Career Portfolios License Titles License Titles 1-6, 1-9  MCEA 1-6, 1-9  MCEA 6-12, 9-12  EAA 6-12, 9-12  EAA K-12, 1-12  ECA K-12, 1-12  ECA

4 Wisconsin Educator Standards Integrated into License Stages Pre-Service Portfolio Initial Educator Professional Development Plan Professional Educator Professional Development Plan Master Educator Portfolio Portfolio Mandatory WI Standards Assessed (Proficiency) 2 or more standards Verification of plan completion 2 or more standards Verification of plan completion License Optional WI Standards Assessed (Mastery)

5 Moving from Initial Educator to Professional Education USED to be 6 credits every 5 years USED to be 6 credits every 5 years After 8/31/04, candidates for initial or recertification need a PDP After 8/31/04, candidates for initial or recertification need a PDP Professional Development Plan

6 Assessment of Teacher Portfolio For CertificationCI203CI210/211/212SPED205 Intro Teacher Education Standards Portfolio for Admission to Program Portfolio for Admission to Professional Semester PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER Education Programs Goals of the Baccalaureate Intro Goals Of Baccalaureate GE & Minor Courses Program Assessment in Education Assessment of The Baccalaureate Gate 3 Gate 2Gate 1 Program Evaluation PROGRAM Exit Interviews 2 & 5-yr surveys

7 When to apply for Program CI210/211/212Apply Block: CI312: General Methods CI318: Teacher Assisting CI328: Content Reading CI317: Middle Methods Can take other courses *FED385 FED490 SPED300 Student Teaching Admission to program **Praxis II Portfolio Review **Praxis I Portfolio Review Portfolio Review *may take FED385 earlier (change in 2005-2006 catalogue) **See: for Praxis I and II information including test numbers, practice items and registration

8 Structure of EAA Portfolio 11 “chapters ” (one for each of the 10 WTS and one for dispositions) 11 “chapters ” (one for each of the 10 WTS and one for dispositions) Each WTS section must include: Each WTS section must include: 1. The complete standard 2. A list of artifacts included in the chapter (minimum of one artifact per standard) 3. A reflection about how these artifacts show competence against the standard. Dispositions becomes the “11 th tab” Dispositions becomes the “11 th tab” 1. In this section, include your CI210/211/212 dispositions evaluations from your cooperating teacher(s) as artifacts. 2. This section should be prefaced with a paragraph about each of the five dispositions in which you describe your current competency in that area.

9 Disciplinary Department Input Each program has developed criteria which is examined by content area faculty. Each program has developed criteria which is examined by content area faculty. You will receive information from your content department regarding any additional information that might be needed. You will receive information from your content department regarding any additional information that might be needed. ( e.g. Foreign Language requires an ed philosophy statement, a transcript, a narrative describing a meaningful learning experience and a passing score on the Oral Proficiency Exam.) ( e.g. Foreign Language requires an ed philosophy statement, a transcript, a narrative describing a meaningful learning experience and a passing score on the Oral Proficiency Exam.)

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