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Online Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Micki M. CaskeyElizabeth Snyder Program Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Micki M. CaskeyElizabeth Snyder Program Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Micki M. CaskeyElizabeth Snyder Program Orientation September 25, 2013

2 AGENDA 5:30 Introductions 5:45 Index card activity 6:00 Program Description and Overview 6:30 Program Schedule and PSU Systems 7:00 PSU systems and Library 7:30 Questions? 8:00 DONE!

3 Introductions Who are we?  Micki M. Caskey, Faculty Advisor  Elizabeth Snyder, Program Manager  Lisa Molinelli, Education Librarian, PSU Library Who are you?

4 Business Card Activity 1.Put your name and workplace in the middle of the card 2.Draw a few images that illustrate who YOU are—your experiences, your interests, your hobbies, your hopes and dreams

5 Business Card Activity 1.Meet someone 2.Introduce yourself using your cards 3.Listen 4.Stand in a circle and introduce your partner to the group

6 Business Card Activity On the back of the card, answer the following questions as they relate to the Online Master’s Program: 1.What are you excited about? 2.What are you concerned about?

7 Program Description  To bridge theory and practice  To advance conceptually sound, ethically responsible, and culturally responsive practices  To share between educators of all levels, interests, and backgrounds

8 Program Overview  Cohort students begin and complete core courses together (30 credits, 2-year commitment )  Electives are chosen with faculty advisor (15 credits, 7-year limit)  Pre-admission/transfer courses need to meet eligibility criteria

9 Program Schedule CI 581 Issues in EducationF13 CI 580 Theories of InstructionW14 CI 590 Action ResearchS14 CI 561 Advanced Educational PsychologySu14 CI 567 Curriculum and CultureSu14 CI 565 Theoretical Models of CurriculumF14 CI 510 Educational Measurement and Assessment W15 CI 510 Human Relations and OrganizationsS15 CI 510 Guidance for Classroom TeacherSu15 CI 591 Action Research ProjectsSu15

10 PSU Systems PSU Portal Banweb D2L (tutorials)D2Ltutorials Cohort wiki Instructions to forward your mailInstructions HELP 503-725-4357 for technical issues

11 PSU Library Library Website Lisa Molinelli, Education LibrarianLisa Molinelli, Resources

12 FAQ’s and resources Electives and transfer credits (approval needed) Website Office of Graduate Studies Registration and Records Student Code of Conduct PSU faculty and staff directory

13 Questions? Cohort photo and profile page for wiki Keep in touch with questions along the way Thanks for coming!

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