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By: Sarah Blumenberg. I believe that magazines, like Nylon and Cosmopolitan, construct a certain type of woman while keeping the general theme of women.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Sarah Blumenberg. I believe that magazines, like Nylon and Cosmopolitan, construct a certain type of woman while keeping the general theme of women."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Sarah Blumenberg

2 I believe that magazines, like Nylon and Cosmopolitan, construct a certain type of woman while keeping the general theme of women “spenders,” which not only constructs the idea of “women” but allows women to perpetuate that construction.

3  I did a content analysis with the same categories for both Nylon and Cosmopolitan magazine.  Original advertisement for Paper 1 was from Nylon.  I chose Cosmopolitan to compare against this magazine because I believe that they both reach the same general age demographic and that Cosmopolitan is a girly, fashion magazine to contrast indie, grungy Nylon.

4  I found that: -Nylon focused more about physical purchased appearance (clothes, shoes, etc) and Cosmopolitan focused more on products to improve appearance (perfume, makeup, etc.) -Trend driven, not really technological -Nylon’s “perfect woman”: Long Brown Curly Hair -Cosmo’s “perfect woman”: Long Brown Straight Hair

5  Nylon (74) -non-specific brand (32.4%) -jean/pants (10.8%) -general clothing (6.75%) -shoes (12.1%) -watches (8.1%) -perfume (4.0%) -makeup (8.1%) -hair (2.7%) -gum (1.35%) -technology (4.05%) -cars (2.7%) -other (6.95%)  Cosmopolitan (71) -non-specific brand (5.6%) -shoes (2.8%) -watches (1.4%) -perfume (22.5%) -makeup (11.26%) -hair (15.5%) -gum/mints (4.2%) -hygiene (7.0%) -moisturizers (2.8%) -technology (0) ((sex toys and credit cards) -cars (1.4%) -food (2.8%) -alcohol (4.2%) -sex (4.2%) -medicine (7.0%) -other (7.34%)

6  Nylon  Length -Long (63%) -Med (29%) -Short (8%)  Texture -Straight (17%) -Curly (59%) -Other (24%)  Color -Blond (37%) -Black/Brown (63%)  Cosmo  Length -Long (61%) -Med (16%) -Short (23%)  Texture -Straight (48%) -Curly (38%) -Other (14%)  Color -Blond (38%) -Black/Brown (58%) -Red (4%)

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