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TPO Services An institutional perspective By: Miguel CAMACHO & Ann PENISTAN, TS/DBIS Date: 31 March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "TPO Services An institutional perspective By: Miguel CAMACHO & Ann PENISTAN, TS/DBIS Date: 31 March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 TPO Services An institutional perspective By: Miguel CAMACHO & Ann PENISTAN, TS/DBIS Date: 31 March 2011

2 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Types of services 3. Outcome-Impact chain 4. Implications 5. Q&A

3 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Types of services 3. Outcome-Impact chain 4. Implications 5. Q&A

4 What is ITC? Mission ITC enables small business export success in developing countries by providing, with partners, trade development solutions to the private sector, trade support institutions and policy-makers The UN body for design of policy recommendations to achieve economic and social development through trade and investment. ITC works with local and regional institutions and businesspeople to promote exports and trade. The forum to negotiate multilateral trade rules, monitor their implementation and handle trade disputes

5 ITC activities Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Exporters ITC Beneficiaries Export Impact for Good Generating sustainable incomes and livelihoods especially for poor households, by connecting enterprises to global markets ITC Development Outcomes Policy Makers Trade Support Institutions Business Community ITC Clients Business and Trade Policy Export Strategy Trade Intelligence Trade Support Institution Exporter Competitiveness Activities One Many

6 ITC organisational chart

7 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Types of services 3. Outcome-Impact chain 4. Implications 5. Q&A

8 Trade promotion – basic definitions Trade Promotion Organisation Government-mandated agency responsible for trade promotion activities in a geographic area. Can be national, provincial, regional, etc. Trade Support Institution Any organisation that provides services that help companies export. Includes exporters’ associations, national standards boards, training and research centres, etc. Trade promotion Services targeted at supporting domestic producers and sellers in meeting and interacting with foreign buyers in order to facilitate sales Trade development Services targeted at building the competencies and capacities of companies to trade

9 Trade promotion - examples Trade Fairs abroad and in-country Market exploration missions Buyers missions Sellers missions Buyers-sellers meetings Specialised promotion programmes in target markets: In-Store Promotion Information Booths Exhibition Centres Country/region branding programmes

10 Trade development - examples Market information and research Technical training programmes (Incoterms, international pricing and costing, international payment methods, certificates of origin, labelling requirements, etc.) Packaging development programmes Sectoral R&D programmes and centres Technical support for improving production techniques and yields Supply chain optimisation initiatives Sanitary and phytosanitary compliance support Support for the adoption and certification based on international standards (ISO, GlobalGap, FSC, etc.) Programmes to support internationalisation of SMEs

11 Trade development – examples (2) Access to finance training and support Advocacy for regulatory and legal reform vis-a-vis the Government Participation in trade negotiations Programmes to disseminate and facilitate trade law Arbitration centres and support in accessing international arbitration schemes Support programmes for development of contracts Programmes to develop infrastructural services: Telecommunications in rural areas Seed capital, risk capital and non-debt financing schemes

12 Trade promotion and development Impossible for any one agency to do it all – need for many resources: Specialised knowledge and information Human resources with right competencies Physical infrastructure (training facilities, testing facilities, research and development labs, etc.) Financial resources: SME development requires co-funding from non-commercial sources Alliances: need to develop domestic trade support networks (national / provincial / regional) Need to partner many different organisations (universities, research centres, producers and exporters associations, networks of consultants, other TSIs and TPOs, etc.) Need for a clear regulatory framework and authority – coordination capacity and mandate

13 Human Resources Financial Resources Strategic Alliances & Networks Information & Know- how Physical Assets & Infrastructure Human Resources Financial Resources Strategic Alliances & Networks Information & Know-how Physical Assets & Infrastructure Strategy & ManagementMarketingProductionSales Export Promotion Export Development MultiplierDistributorReferral CustomizedOff-the-Shelf 1. Purpose of Service 2. Description of Service 3. Role of the TSI 4. Degree of Customization

14 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Types of services 3. Outcome-Impact chain 4. Implications 5. Q&A

15 Outcome and impact chain Change in level of competitiveness of enterprises Intermediate Impact Change in behaviours in ways and means of how they work Final Outcome Sustainable exports of enterprises Final Impact Awareness created on issues of importance Satisfaction of beneficiaries Intention of beneficiaries to change behaviour addressed Immediate Outcomes Change in attitudes of beneficiaries toward the subject Reactions of beneficiaries to institution and programmes Intermediate Outcomes

16 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Types of services 3. Outcome-Impact chain 4. Implications 5. Q&A

17 Some implications Legal framework is critical: Determines mandate and scope of possible activities for each organisation Identification of focus is critical: Service design needs to be based on clear appraisal of needs of SMEs Development of networks and alliances is critical: Final impact of sustainable exports requires multiple resources, impossible to have in one organisation Collaboration must be built – not spontaneous nor automatic Monitoring and evaluation is critical: Impact cannot be measured sporadically – systematic monitoring is key Performance is not user satisfaction – outcome-impact chain must be considered and evaluated accordingly

18 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Types of services 3. Outcome-Impact chain 4. Implications 5. Q&A

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