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The Nature of Science and Technology

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1 The Nature of Science and Technology
Chapter 1 Section 1 Thinking Like a Scientist pages #5 – #12.

2 Scientists use skills such as: 1. observing 2. inferring 3
Scientists use skills such as: 1. observing 2. inferring 3. predicting 4. classifying and 5. making models to learn more about the world.

3 OBSERVING Observing – means using one or more of your senses to gather information. Your senses include sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. You use your sense daily. For example, if it is chilly in the morning, you’ll probably wear a jacket to school.

4 Observations can be either:
Quantitative – deal with a number, or amount. For example, reading 3 s in your inbox is a quantitative observation. Qualitative – deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers. For example, noticing that a car is green or a lemon tastes sour are both qualitative observations.

5 Inferring Inferring is when you explain or interpret the things you observe, you are inferring, or making an inference. Inferences are based on reasoning from what you already know. Inferences are NOT wild guesses! For example, if everyone is outside with big coats on you an infer that the weather is cold.

6 List 3 inferences about this picture.
1. 2. 3.

7 PREDICTING Predicting means making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experiences or evidence. Predictions are not always correct. For example, you might predict that the Cleveland Browns will have a losing record based on previous years.

8 Prediction vs. Inference
Predictions and inferences are closely related. While inferences are attempts to explain what is happening or has happened, predictions are forecasts of what will happen.

9 Make a prediction based on what you observe from the picture.

10 CLASSIFYING Classifying is the process of grouping together items that are alike in some way. Classifying things help you to stay organized so you can easily find and use them later. For example, you have different drawers in your dresser for socks, shirts and pants.

11 Classify the following items:
1. 2. 3. 4.

12 MAKING MODELS Making models involves creating representations of complex objects or processes. Models help people study and understand things that are complex or that can’t be observed directly. Computer generated objects and globes are examples of models.

13 SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES Science is the way of learning about the natural world. Successful scientists posses certain important attitudes including: 1. curiosity 2. honesty 3. open-mindedness 4. skepticism (having an attitude of doubt) 5. creativity.

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