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Buskers in Melbourne City By Renee, Sarah, Valentina and Louisa.

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Presentation on theme: "Buskers in Melbourne City By Renee, Sarah, Valentina and Louisa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buskers in Melbourne City By Renee, Sarah, Valentina and Louisa

2 Hypothesis Busking is a legitimate form of entertainment.

3 Data Collection Process We surveyed 160 people in the city. Interviews more than 25 people. We researched the background of busking. -Books -Internet -Articles

4 What is Busking? Form of street art, most commonly performed in different cities around the global community. Traditional busking was originally a musical performance. Busking evolved into many types of entertainment

5 History of Busking Busking, or street performing, is a centuries-old tradition. The word busk comes from the middle Spanish root word buskar, meaning “to seek or to wander”. It is believed gypsies, also known as the Roma people brought busking to England.

6 Video Interview

7 Our Findings



10 Conclusion From all the evidence collected our hypothesis was supported. Busking is a legitimate form of entertainment. Surveys Interview Research

11 Reflection We have learnt many valuable skills. Organized and independent. When problems occurred we worked together to come to a sensible resolution or conclusion. If we had more time to specify our hypothesis our information would be more useful This program enhanced our learning.



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