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System in Package and Chip-Package-Board Co-Design

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1 System in Package and Chip-Package-Board Co-Design
Progress Report Jia-Wei Fang, Kuan-Hsien Ho, and Yao-Wen Chang The Electronic Design Automation Laboratory Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering National Taiwan University August 14, 2008

2 Outline System in Package
Introduction Problem Formulation Extensions Placement and Routing for Chip-Package-Board Co-Design Considering Differential Pairs Placement and Routing Algorithm Experimental Results Conclusions Schedule

3 System in Package (SiP)
Can get higher deign performance and is easier for implementation than that of Systems on Chip (SoC) Place multiple dies/flip-chips on the same package Stack specific dies Locate fingers around each group of dies Connect nets among dies, flip-chips, and the package Through silicon via Bonding wire Stacked Dies Pad Finger Metal layers Flip-chip Package wire Die Ball Ball BGA package 3

4 SiP Problem Formulation
Given dies with pads, flip-chips with balls, a PGA/BGA package with pins/balls, a netlist containing pre- and free-assignment nets, and design constraints Place dies, corresponding fingers of dies, and flip-chips on the PGA/BGA package, then assign signals and route wires among dies, flip-chips, and the package Objectives: Maximize routability Minimize total wirelength under the design constraints

5 Extensions Package placement to Ball arrangement to
Multiple dies placement Ball arrangement to Finger arrangement Signal assignment for fingers and pins to Signal assignment for pads and pins Pre-assignment and free-assignment signal routing Differential-pair routing to Other routing constraints

6 Outline System in Package
Introduction Problem Formulation Extensions Placement and Routing for Chip-Package-Board Co-Design Considering Differential Pairs Placement and Routing Algorithm Experimental Results Conclusions Schedule 6

7 Chip-Package-Board Co-Design
Advantages: Give higher flexibility to design a system Can achieve much higher performance Our contribution: present the first placement and routing algorithm for chip-package-board co-design considering differential pairs Die Bonding wire Finger BGA Pin Bump ball PCB PCB wire Package wire Metal layers Top metal layer

8 Differential Pairs Differential-Pair (DP) routing is a popular technique for high-speed PCB designs due to its noise immunity, EMI reduction, and ground bounce insensitivity However, the signal pair should be transmitted in close proximity with similar wirelength to simultaneously absorb the noise

9 Problem of Chip-Package-Board Co-Design
Given a die with fingers, a placement of components with pins, the numbers of BGA and PCB metal layers, and a netlist Generate and place the package and then assign signals and route wires from component pins to fingers via bump balls, considering differential pairs Objectives: Maximize routability Minimize package size, total wirelength, and the number of vias

10 Design Flow Die (Fingers), Components (Pins)
# Layers, Netlist, Design Rules Design Flow CPB Placement Bump-Ball Arrangement Package Placement Package and PCB Routing Global Routing Detailed Routing Routing Network Construction Any-Angle Routing No Routed & Minimized? Routing Result Output Yes Layer Assignment

11 Bump-Ball Arrangement
Determine package size (can get the minimum rectangle size) # bump balls of (r-1) rings < # fingers < # bump balls of r rings ring r ring r-1 Fingers Bump ball

12 Package Placement Apply linear programming (LP) to determine the location of the package Pin 3 4 yboundary q (x1, y1) 1 Package Center c (xc, yc) X=0 (x2, y2) 2 (xp, yp) p r y=0 xboundary

13 Global Routing (1/2) Two types of nets Apply LP to do global routing
Type 1: from a finger to a bump ball Type 2: from a finger to a component via a bump ball Apply LP to do global routing Multi-sources Single sink Use s2 to choose only the bump pads for Type 1 s2 b1 b4 Netlist: 1, 2, 3 es1_p1 p1 b na f1 b2 b5 s1 Ball t a f2 p2 Pin c f3 Finger b3 b6 Pre-assigned signals Only given a netlist PCB BGA Chip

14 Global Routing (2/2) Two types of nets Apply LP to do global routing
Type 1: from a finger to a bump ball Type 2: from a finger to a component via a bump ball Apply LP to do global routing Multi-sources Single sink s2 b1 b4 Netlist: 1, 2, 3 p1 g f1 b2 b5 s1 t f2 p2 Pin h f3 Finger b3 b6 Only given a netlist PCB BGA Chip

15 Differential-Pair Routing
The signal pair should be transmitted in close proximity and similar wirelength Apply LP to route the differential pairs DP constraints Σ Σ Ψi_j(ei_g - ej_h) = 0 Σ Σ Ψi_jΨg_h(ei_g - ej_h) = 0 3 4 s3 s4 DP node Bounding box

16 Layer Assignment In global routing, integrate all metal layers into one layer Model the layer assignment as a flow network to distribute nets into each layer after global routing Can only route wires in one layer 1 1 e1l Layer 1 es1 l elt 1 3 3 Ball s t 3 2 r es2 ert 2 2 Finger e2r Layer 2 BGA Chip Flow network

17 Detailed Routing (1/2) The PCB routing does not allow any routing path with an acute angle The router should check every turning point to avoid any acute angle Once an acute corner is detected, the two adjacent net segments can be cut off to generate two obtuse angles Min. spacing ring Turn : Pins : Bump balls Acute angle Original routing path

18 Detailed Routing (2/2) Global Routing Result Detailed Routing Result
Minimum spacing ring Parallelogram Global Routing Result Detailed Routing Result : DP pins : Pins : DP bump balls : Bump balls GIEE, NTU

19 Experimental Settings
C++ programming language 2.8 GHz AMD Opteron Linux workstation 8 GB memory Benchmark – 5 real industry designs Circuits # Components #Pins (DP/BGA) #Fingers #Nets (multi-/2-pin) #Metal layers (BGA/PCB) CPB 1 2 74 (6/59) 150 513 676 CPB 2 1 126 (8/58) 260 646 812 CPB 3 3 192 (16/93) 429 639 1156 CPB 4 380 (28/274) 720 657 CPB 5 4 683 (36/460) 1024 1600

20 #Integer variables/constraints
Experimental Results Circuits #Bump balls (L/W) Routability (%) Wirelength (mm) SAR Ours WG CPB1 208 (17/17) 159 (16/15) 76 100 643 1005 997 CPB2 352 (27/25) 275 (25/24) 84 1614 2033 2040 CPB3 488 (35/34) 453 (35/33) 79 4924 6789 6780 CPB4 864 (42/42) 740 (41/40) 87 10028 12263 12248 CPB5 1128 (53/53) 1075 (53/52) 80 N/A 21580 29402 Comp. 100% 89% 81 Circuits #DP violations #Integer variables/constraints CPU times (s) SAR WG Ours CPB1 1/3 0/3 670/8430 45/135 2 510 6 CPB2 2/4 0/4 426/4938 35/105 5 456 16 CPB3 5/8 0/8 1106/13288 83/249 9 9737 34 CPB4 10/14 0/14 6010/69892 302/906 21 75641 195 CPB5 11/18 N/A 0/18 7968/100831 396/1188 96 3*105 366 Comp. 29/47 0/47 100%/100% 5%/1%

21 Conclusions We have developed the first placer and router for chip-package-board design, considering Package size, Package placement, Differential pair routing, Total wirelength, and Routability optimization Experimental results have shown that our placement and routing algorithm is very effective, robust, and flexible

22 Schedule Problem of Chip-Package-Board Co-Design
Stage 1 (1/2008 – 4/2008): done Literature survey Development of a placement and routing algorithm considering the objectives Stage 2 (5/2008 – 7/2008): done Implementation of the placement and routing algorithm Stage 3 (8/2008 – 9/2008): done Optimization of the objectives Stage 4-1 (9/2008 – 11/2008) GUI generation and integration of all functions Paper writing and documentation Stage 4-2 (9/2008 – ) Extensions for Etron Designs

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