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PILOT INTERNATIONAL FOUNDERS FUND Mary Paige Woodfin PI Texas District PIFF Representative.

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Presentation on theme: "PILOT INTERNATIONAL FOUNDERS FUND Mary Paige Woodfin PI Texas District PIFF Representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 PILOT INTERNATIONAL FOUNDERS FUND Mary Paige Woodfin PI Texas District PIFF Representative

2 FOCUS OF PIFF Support the community-based work of Pilot Clubs with financial support Promote the 3 focuses of PI - The ABC’s of PI (Anchor/Youth, Brain safety and fitness and Caring for families in times of need) Promote Founder’s Day programs Funding source for grants and scholarships



5 Since its inception in 1977, the PIFF has assisted local Pilot Clubs in their efforts to serve and meet the needs of others through an extensive grant program that has disbursed over $1,100,000. Texas was awarded two grants in 2013-2014 totaling $6,250.00.

6 PURCHASE OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR THE CITY. Pilot Club of West Chambers County $1,250.00



9 PIFF supports five Scholarship Programs to benefit graduate and undergraduate students studying for a career in one of Pilot’s chosen areas of service or the ABC’s of PI. Four scholarships were received in Texas for the 2013-2014 Pilot year.

10 CARRIE VEITCH Sponsored by the Evening Pilot Club of Longview

11 LUIS HERNANDEZ Sponsored by the Pilot Club of La Grange

12 KALIE PIETSCH Sponsored by the Pilot Club of La Grange

13 KELCIE ONEY Sponsored by the Evening Pilot Club of Longview

14 THE YELLOW ROSE PROJECT Project to extend Pilot’s Yellow Rose of Friendship around the world You are making a donation to PIFF when you purchase a rose. Your intended Pilot or friend will receive a Yellow Rose sticker to wear on their name tag or ribbon. For those not attending the meeting a postcard can be sent letting them know of your gift.

15 PILOTS CAN SUPPORT PIFF 250 Club and individual fund for scholarships and grants (5 scholarships and two types of grants) Safe Harbor Fund - Dreams Ahead Fund - Anchor PI Endowment Heritage Garden Yellow Rose Project Pacesetter and Sweetheart contributions

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