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Warwick Network Day Research Exchange and Teaching Grid.

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Presentation on theme: "Warwick Network Day Research Exchange and Teaching Grid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warwick Network Day Research Exchange and Teaching Grid

2 Developing Services Responding to changing learning styles and Learning Grid success Targeted provision for specific stakeholder groups Expanding support for T/L and Research Differentiated services to support the institutional strategy





7 An introduction The Teaching Grid

8 The Physical space An Experimental Teaching Space –A space to try out new teaching ideas with a group of students A Collaborative Space –A place to share ideas –A place to develop and refine teaching skills

9 Key Features Flexibility - to support imaginative teaching scenarios Technology – to support teaching enhancement Support – from advisers and partner support agencies

10 The story so far An e-learning Showcase event to encourage the development of e-teaching practices by sharing existing good practice A varied programme of developmental workshops, courses A series of courses from IT services e-learning advisers A diverse range of teaching and learning activities in the Experimental Teaching Space

11 What are the users saying? ‘ It has demonstrated that by thinking more carefully about the use of space and the roles of the students it is possible to encourage a more interactive and student-led approach to learning.’ Sarah Richardson History

12 What are the users saying? ‘ I don’t think we could now go back to teaching that element of the PGA in any other way really because it’s just been such a rich experience both for me and for the participants.’ Manus Conaghan Learning and Development Centre

13 What are students saying? ‘At the end I asked if there had been any value to the session, and they said “yeah, absolutely, it has reminded us what plays do” they enjoyed doing it, they said they know about the website now which they didn’t know about, they’re going to go away and use the website as part of their revision.’ Jonathan Heron Theatre Studies

14 How’s the Teaching Grid supporting wider developments? Engaging in discussions about the future for teaching spaces at Warwick Providing a safe environment in which staff can experiment with new teaching ideas to find out what works, and what doesn’t Supporting departments to reflect on the purchase of new resources to include in teaching rooms

15 Further information See the website at nggrid/what_is_the_teaching_grid/


17 What’s on Offer Dedicated space for researchers – 65 study, 25 ‘leisure’; 35 seminar or 70-90 combined space Collaborative working, quiet study, meetings and seminars, conferences PCs, wireless and A/V…and lockers The Matrix – sophisticated display facility for dissemination and collaboration To come: videoconferencing




21 Seminar Rooms Chemistry cross-Department inductions National PG(R) Colloquium in German Studies Arts Faculty PG Seminar Series Graduate Shool Chair’s Forum Careers Service drop-in sessions Bon Polymer Colloids research group discussion Science Faculty Skills training for researchers GRADschool sessions

22 Plans and Intentions Stimulate collaborative working – inspire innovation Virtual networks: online forums, mutual support –‘You Say We Say’ for problems and solutions –Peer exchange and learning Build a community ‘What does Warwick want from its research students?’

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