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WELCOME SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 Chorus America Session on Diversity & Inclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 Chorus America Session on Diversity & Inclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 Chorus America Session on Diversity & Inclusion

2 Agenda Welcome and Overview Goal and Agenda Introductions and Agreements Why bother Your experience Hurdles and curves A deeper look Tools and methods Moving ahead Assignment

3 Goal To encourage LDF members to explore further issues of D&I both in their own culture and that of populations they serve.

4 Agreements Open mind Share air time Avoid assigning Speak personally Listen to how you listen Agree to disagree Respect confidentiality Be in learning mode Take risks Embrace discomfort

5 Introduction Your name Organization you represent One hope for this session

6 Why bother COMMUNITY AND AUDIENCE Cmty D faster than results of our audience dev. efforts 25% of choir is Asian/PI. Need new engagement with that audience To better connect to and serve cmty Membership/staff/trustees must reflect our cmty Programs accessible to all Important to funders Firmly believe in power of choral music to bridge cultures Mission: bring people together through music. To be together, we must know what has kept us separate.

7 Experience with D&I Sustained leadership On record Energetic will Measurable Open sensitivity to value of difference Voice Language (oral and written) Repetition

8 Experience with D&I EDUCATION PROGRAMS with diversity focus, broader music focus Established by CEO as top priority In strategic plan A written Diversity Plan Focus on D&I in mission, values and goals Reached out to ethnic choirs w/ concert invites, classes and festivals

9 Experience with D&I Diverse leadership: Asst. conductor Singers, board members measurably more diverse Collaboration with guest choruses and performers Present in how we hire Choice of performance locations Factor in music we select Do more of our own training Regular reminders to ourselves

10 Hurdles and curves RECRUITING musicians/adult singing members/board members IDENTIFYING COMMUNITY LEADERS DISCONNECT between D ed programs and white western choral tradition interesting D population in an Anglo/European art form …more

11 A Deeper Look Why a diversity/inclusion effort? Insiders and outsiders Closeness and distance Breadth and limitations Us and them Are we trying to bring in the poor and disenfranchised, or to make ourselves larger and better organizations?

12 Tools and Methods Attitude Collaboration Communication (written and spoken) Chorus America White privilege Your Western/Anglo/European/Classical commitment to excellence

13 Moving ahead One action… that will open you personally that will move your organization that will add value to your community …to more diverse and inclusive existence

14 Assignment Use this session as a springboard Prepare Collaborate Speak

15 Diversity and Inclusion Diversity is human difference. Groupings include race, class, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religion, ethnicity, age, and lifestyle preference. Diversity may also include economic, marital, and veteran status, and union and political affiliation. Inclusion is action and voice – a sustained open respect, and interactive integration of diversity. Inclusive behavior develops and maintains social trust across different groups. Inclusion addresses areas of privilege and power in a group. It is the manifestation of social justice, how we reach out to others, and who we include in our lives.

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