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1 Discussion Class 1 Examples of Digital Libraries and Electronic Publications.

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1 1 Discussion Class 1 Examples of Digital Libraries and Electronic Publications

2 2 Discussion Classes Format: Question Ask a member of the class to answer Provide opportunity for others to comment When answering: Give your name Stand up Speak clearly so that all the class can hear

3 3 Topics D-Lib Magazine Journal of Electronic Publishing RLG DigiNews Cornell University Library Gateway Legal Information Institute (Cornell Law School) NCSTRL

4 4 Topics (continued) The ACM Digital Library The Alexandria Digital Library (University of California, San Diego) American Memory (Library of Congress) The IEEE Explore System JSTOR (Journal Storage) HighWire Press (Stanford University) Los Alamos ePrint Archive Netlib (University of Tennessee) Perseus (Tufts University)

5 5 Question 1: How do the electronic journals and magazines that you looked at differ from the printed equivalents a) In the way that people use them? b) For the people who write for them? c) For the publishers and librarians who manage them?

6 6 Question 2: The content of the digital libraries that you looked at comes from various sources. Can you classify them into various categories?

7 7 Question 3: The Perseus library has gone through several generations of computing technology: Brown's Hypermedia system Macintosh Hypercard Web server CD-ROM Networked access What characteristics of Perseus enabled it to make these transitions?

8 8 Question 4: The Los Alamos E-Print Archives have a terrible user interface, yet they have been very successful. a) What characteristics make them successful? b) If you were trying to improve the system, where would you start?

9 9 Question 5: The ACM Digital Library and HighWire Press provide online versions of material that is also available in print. Suppose that, at some date, ACM stopped providing the printed version. a) What impact might this have on the design of the ACM Digital Library? b) What impact would this have on authors?

10 10 Question 6: Consider the user interface of American Memory. a) What audience is this digital library aimed at? b) What are the services that this digital library provides? c) Would you prefer a different concept of a user interface?

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