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Published byFelix Carroll Modified over 9 years ago
1. Review of Implementation of Watershed component of PMKSY (erstwhile IWMP) 1.1. Performance of IWMP Projects (Batch – wise) : The State-wise projects sanctioned, area sanctioned and funds released under IWMP during 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 & unspent balance is as below: 2009-102010-112011-122012-13 No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released 502.600260.885623.110209.550562.711131.320321.71551.269 2013-142014-152015-16Total Fund released Total fund released Unspent Balance as on 31.10.2015 No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released Central share State share 391.95931.412311.5976.531-614.23068.247682.47820.914 (Area in lakh ha. & Rs. in Crore) 1.1.1. Year wise Expenditure under IWMP (as on 31.10.2015) S.No.State Expenditure (Rs. in Crore) Total 2009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-16 1Tamil Nadu0.33919.19949.153130.128231.067204.99835.875670.759
Budget Component Amount released for projects sanctioned (Central share + State share) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) % of Expenditure Unspent Balance DPR11.87211.214940.659 EPA59.95559.384990.572 Institution & cap. building48.77848.075990.704 Admin. cost54.05848.501905.559 Watershed works406.127399.596986.531 Livelihood activities for the asset-less 42.35041.593980.758 Production system & micro- enterprises 64.44961.910962.539 Monitoring0.6660.05580.612 Evaluation0.9780.322330.657 Consolidation Phase0.5950.00000.595 Total689.828670.6429719.186 SLNA1.8450.117 1.728 Grand Total691.673670.759 20.914 1.2. EXPENDITURE FACTSHEET (PROJECT FUND) (As on 31.10.2015) (Amount Rs. in Crore) 1.2. Strategy for Utilization of unspent Balance
1.2. Strategy for Utilization of unspent Balance (Cont…..) 1. Codification for the works for the Unspent balance in all 24 Districts DWDA’s has been given by the State Level Nodal Agency. 2. Instructions given to 24 Districts DWDA’s to obtain Administrative Sanction for all the works and commence the work immediately. 3. Beneficiaries and activities have been identified for distribution of revolving fund SHG, Livelihood activities for assetless and Micro-Enterprises systems. 4. Capacity building programme Modules both at SLNA and DWDA level has been prepared and all districts have been suitably instructed to complete the scheduled training programmes before 31.03.2016. 1. Codification for the works for the Unspent balance in all 24 Districts DWDA’s has been given by the State Level Nodal Agency. 2. Instructions given to 24 Districts DWDA’s to obtain Administrative Sanction for all the works and commence the work immediately. 3. Beneficiaries and activities have been identified for distribution of revolving fund SHG, Livelihood activities for assetless and Micro-Enterprises systems. 4. Capacity building programme Modules both at SLNA and DWDA level has been prepared and all districts have been suitably instructed to complete the scheduled training programmes before 31.03.2016.
1.3. Progress in DPR Preparation StateParticular No. of project sanctioned No. of DPRs already prepared & approved by SLNA Timeline for completion of remaining DPRs No. of DPRs uploaded in the website of the Nodal Dept. URL of the web-site No. of projects in which Watershed Works have Commenced Tamil Nadu For projects sanctioned during 2009-10 50 - 50 For projects sanctioned during 2010-11 62 - For projects sanctioned during 2011-12 56 - For projects sanctioned during 2012-13 32 - For projects sanctioned during 2013-14 39 - For projects sanctioned during 2014-15 31 DPRs prepared kept ready for the approval of SLNA --- (as on 31.10.2015)
1.4. Status of evaluation of projects and projects likely to be completed during 2015-16 Batch Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase Status of Evaluation of Works Phase No of projects likely to be completed during 2015-16 Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion Batch - IBatch-II IYes--No--50 IIYes--No-- 62 IIIYes--No-- IVNoYes31.03.2016No Preparatory phase evaluation will be taken up during 2015-16 -- VNoYes31.03.2016No -- VINOT APPLICABLE----- (as on 31.10.2015)
1.5. Implementation of PFMS No of agencies at State Level No of agencies at State Level Registered No of agencies at District Level No of agencies at District Level registered No of agencies at PIA level No of agencies at PIA level registered No of agencies at Watershed Committee level No of agencies at Watershed Committee level registered 1126 358 2418 Status of Registration of Agencies in PFMS (untill the latest sanctioned projects)
1.5. Implementation of Srishti Shape files of all 2763 micro watersheds in 270 sanctioned projects have been uploaded in Bhuvan –Srishti portal. Before and after photographs of Entry Point Activities of all 270 sanctioned projects. Before and after photographs Watersheds Development Works for 2009-10 (50 projects) and 2010-11 (62 projects) have been collected and process for uploading them in Bhuvan - Srishti portal is under progress. * 8314Nos of EPA photos of Before and After status has been submitted to NRSC. Shape files of all 2763 micro watersheds in 270 sanctioned projects have been uploaded in Bhuvan –Srishti portal. Before and after photographs of Entry Point Activities of all 270 sanctioned projects. Before and after photographs Watersheds Development Works for 2009-10 (50 projects) and 2010-11 (62 projects) have been collected and process for uploading them in Bhuvan - Srishti portal is under progress. * 8314Nos of EPA photos of Before and After status has been submitted to NRSC. Sl. No. Batch/Year No. of Projects for which shapefile have been sent to NRSC No. of Projects for which project information and implementation status (Prep, Work, Consolidation is provided) No. of PMO dt. Projects for which DPR's, Treatment Maps, Annual Action Plan etc, are uploaded / Provided to NRSC No. of Projects for which EPA Photographs have been uploaded * 1Batch - 1 / 2009-1050/5050 - Work Phase950 2Batch - 2 / 2010-1162/6262 - Work Phase962 3Batch - 3 / 2011-1256/5656 - Work Phase1056 4Batch - 4 / 2012-1332/3232 - Work Phase632 5Batch - 5 / 2013-1439/3939 - Work Phase739
1.5. Implementation of Drishti Photos taken and uploaded in Drishti Mobile Application Sl.NoDate Yet To Be Accepted or Rejected Points Accepted PointRejected PointTotal Points 1 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2015 38131383777 2 01.10.2015 To 17.11.2015 21103363613724876 Grand Total 214843949220 25653
1.5. Implementation of Drishti (Cont….) Project wise - Number of photos uploaded in Bhuvan Drishti Mobile Application upto 17.11.2015 S.NoDistrict Name IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXIIXIIIXIVTotal 1Coimbatore 21693101105202172137674464 1147 2Cuddalore 8586 131 106 65 23 2115 0 3 550 3Dharmapuri 150141108361288213489424521 976 4Dindigul 188362218360450383340240291164155 3151 5Erode 36913827473544744 963 6Kancheepuram 1302461054356779 603 7Karur 9411414664150165 733 8Krishanagiri 615789686266451223250 702 9Madurai 11015021413070875423 820 10Namakkal 68605826914036355610 25 515 11Perambalur 2824131732132842512251572932261815 2118 12Pudukkottai 5250 2550 52501811 458 13Ramnadhapuram 90505351435150 552925131216 588 14Salem 6057556452 62536554 55 790 15Sivagangai 17415022017315117297168110 1525 16Theni 921138270645011 482 17Thoothukudi 6162 54 60 40 48 42 49 55 26 497 18Tiruchirappalli 12686114124132935610210659526256 1168 19Tirunelveli 9972607581796011 537 20Tiruvallur 6456426770555416 424 21Tiruvannamalai 208191156283163302146137 1343 22Vellore 276200136125162111123 6147201 1385 23Villupuram 1455511390641118778599446 906 24Virudhunagar 15143620225037436910217714210480367158 2552 Grand Total 32053290276925152953252319381625117083351221520912924933
1.5. Implementation of PMS Sl.NoBatch/Year No of projects No of PIA registered No of projects for which legacy data in the excel sheet has been provided 1Batch - 1 / 2009-1050 Completely Submitted 2Batch - 2 / 2010-11623Completely Submitted 3Batch - 3 / 2011-1256-Completely Submitted 4Batch - 4 / 2012-1332-Completely Submitted 5Batch - 5 / 2013-1439-Completely Submitted
IWMP 2014-15 Projects MIS entries are in Progress Censes code mapping for all district in our state are under progress 1.6. Data Updating in MIS IWMP - MIS online Entries - Status (As on Date 19.11.2015) All the DWDAs have been instructed to correct the Expenditure data in the MIS (vide Lr.No.1-2/2014- (WM) TE (WM) dated 29.11.2015) and it has been proposed to complete the updating of MIS before the end of December 2015.
1.7. Progress in appointment of agencies for Concurrent Monitoring Evaluation,Learning and Documentation (MELD) and their status of functioning Status of engagement Timeline for completion Engaged Advertised in News Paper Proposal received Not done Proposal for the formation of High Level Committee for processing Tender for engaging MELD agencies has been sent to the Government of Tamil Nadu. December 2015 If agencies engaged then name of the Agencies 1. -- 2. -- 3. --
2. Review of Implementation of Pre – IWMP (DPAP and IWDP) State-wise status of pre-IWMP projects (as on 31.10.2015) Scheme No. of Projects Sanctioned Area covered (in lakh ha) Project Cost in Rs. crore Projects completed No. (All the installment received and total project area treated) Projects Closed No. (All the installment released by DoLR but total project area not treated by the State) Projects Non performing (All the installment not received) DPAP3966.137341.155390Nil6 IWDP1984.249230.493195Nil3
2.1. Strategy for completion of Pre – IWMP projects and submission of required documents SL. No Name of the DistrictProject% of completion Stage of receipt of final evaluation reports Refund of BalanceRemarks 1Coimbatore DPAP -V, VIII, /IX, X, XI & XII 50%-- Report for DPAP Projects have been submitted to TNAU, Coimbatore, Evaluation under progress. 2Dharmapuri DPAP-VII80%Nil Already refunded during 2013-14 Evaluation will be completed before December 2015 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after DPAP-VIII80%Nil381986 DPAP -IX80%Nil Already refunded during 2013-14 DPAP X80%Nil Already refunded during 2013-14 DPAP XI80%Nil Already refunded during 2013-14 DPAP XII80%Nil Already refunded during 2013-14 3Karur DPAP IX, XI IWDP II, III, IV Final Evaluation by CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore under progress Evaluation will be completed before March 2016 4Krishnagiri DPAP-VII Final Evaluation by CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore under progress 458390 Evaluation will be completed before December 2015 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after DPAP-VIII982280 DPAP-IX178149 DPAP-X399601 DPAP-XI233367 DPAP-XII2658585 5Namakkal DPAP - V Final Evaluation by CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore under progress Evaluation will be completed before March 2016 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after DPAP - VIII DPAP - IX DPAP - X DPAP - XI 6Ramanathapuram DPAP - V Final Evaluation by CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore under progress Evaluation will be completed before March 2016 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after DPAP - VII DPAP - VIII DPAP - IX DPAP - X DPAP - XII DPAP - XIII Status of final Evaluation of completed DPAP projects
2.1. Strategy for completion of Pre – IWMP projects and submission of required documents (Cont…) Status of final Evaluation of completed DPAP projects Sl.No Name of the District Project% of completion Stage of receipt of final evaluation reports Refund of BalanceRemarks 7Salem DPAP - XI Final Evaluation by CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore under progress Evaluation will be completed before December 2015 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after DPAP - XII 8Sivagangai DPAP-XI-No39.97Evaluator to be appointed DPAP-XII-No63Evaluator to be appointed 9Thoothukudi DPAP VII Final Evaluation by CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore under progress Evaluation will be completed before March 2016 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after DPAP VIII DPAP IX DPAP X DPAP XI DPAP XII 10Tirunelveli DPAP-V DPAP-VIII DPAP-IX DPAP-X DPAP-XI DPAP-XII 11Tiruvannamalai DPAP- V DPAP- VII DPAP- IX DPAP- X DPAP- XI
2.1. Strategy for completion of Pre – IWMP projects and submission of required documents (Cont…) Status of final Evaluation of completed IWDP projects Sl.No Name of the District Project% of completion Stage of receipt of final evaluation reports Refund of BalanceRemarks 1Coimbatore IWDP - III, IV, V & VI 50%-- Evaluation will be completed before December 2015 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after 2CuddaloreIWDP - III-- Central Share7.608 State Share0.692 3Dharmapuri IWDP III80%Nil8.698 IWDP IV80%Nil Already refunded during 2013- 14 4ErodeIWDP-V-- Available Fund: Principle1.955 Interest0.667 TOTAL2.622 5Kancheepuram IWDP-I--- IWDP-II--- 6Krishnagiri IWDP-I 3.681 IWDP-II 3.783 IWDP-III 18.282 7Madurai IWDP II---- IWDP III---- IWDP IV----
2.1. Strategy for completion of Pre – IWMP projects and submission of required documents (Cont…) Status of final Evaluation of completed IWDP projects SL.No Name of the District Project% of completion Stage of receipt of final evaluation reports Refund of BalanceRemarks 8Namakkal IWDP - II - Evaluation will be completed before December 2015 and the requisite documents will be submitted there-after IWDP - III IWDP - IV IWDP - V 9PudukkottaiIWDP-II, III & IV- 10Ramanathapuram IWDP - I - IWDP - II IWDP - III 11Salem IWDP - II--- IWDP - III--- IWDP - IV--- 12Sivagangai IWDP-II100% - 41.2 IWDP-III100%53.6 13TheniIWDP - II--- 14TirunelveliIWDP-II- 15Tiruvallur IWDP - I100% 8.606 IWDP - III100% 12.511 IWDP - IV100% 14.94 16Tiruvannamalai IWDP-I - 1 - IWDP-II1 IWDP-III1 IWDP-IV1 17Vellore IWDP-III100%-3.468 IWDP-IV100%--
3. Innovation / Best practices under IWMP 3.1. Innovation Codification of Works To identify a work individually. Code identified for a work should not be used for another work. Each code may contain 28 to 30 numbers of alpha numerics. Place of work and its project details can be identified. Works can be monitored effectively. Eg: 1/PMKSY/2015A/CBE/2009-10-I/GPT/CD/1. 1 – Serial number PMKSY – Name of the Scheme 2015A – Year of fund release and part of release CBE – District code 2009-10-I – Batch year and Project GPT – Watershed Name CD – Check Dam 1 – Work serial number for the district Codification of Works To identify a work individually. Code identified for a work should not be used for another work. Each code may contain 28 to 30 numbers of alpha numerics. Place of work and its project details can be identified. Works can be monitored effectively. Eg: 1/PMKSY/2015A/CBE/2009-10-I/GPT/CD/1. 1 – Serial number PMKSY – Name of the Scheme 2015A – Year of fund release and part of release CBE – District code 2009-10-I – Batch year and Project GPT – Watershed Name CD – Check Dam 1 – Work serial number for the district
3. Innovation / Best practices under IWMP Results & Impact After six months, Thiru. Thiru.R.Boologam has harvested 250 kg of fishes (each fish weighs about 2 to 3 kgs) The beneficiary has earned an additional income of Rs.1,10,000/- as profit through Pisciculture activities. The beneficiary is delighted with his profit earned through pisciculture activities in the farm pond created under Integrated Watershed Development Programme and also with his improved economic status. After six months, Thiru. Thiru.R.Boologam has harvested 250 kg of fishes (each fish weighs about 2 to 3 kgs) The beneficiary has earned an additional income of Rs.1,10,000/- as profit through Pisciculture activities. The beneficiary is delighted with his profit earned through pisciculture activities in the farm pond created under Integrated Watershed Development Programme and also with his improved economic status. Roagu Fish Country prawn 3.2. Best practices under IWMP
IWMP-I – Melmalayanur Block - villupuram District.
Recharge shaft inside of water harvesting structure
As this structure was constructed on experimental basis, periodical observations were made to record the changes of ground water level in the nearby wells. Now, the records indicates the additional increase of water table in the nearby well up to 1 feet to 2 feet when compare to the wells nearby the normal Sunken pond structure were made. Before After
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