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Teachers’ Professional Development The High Performance Management Model Marc Tucker, CEO and President of NCEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers’ Professional Development The High Performance Management Model Marc Tucker, CEO and President of NCEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers’ Professional Development The High Performance Management Model Marc Tucker, CEO and President of NCEE

2 Professional-Model Work Organization in the High Performance Law Firm Associate Partner Senior Partner Managing Partner

3 Moving Up More compensation More authority More responsibility More status (in the firm and the community) Greater esteem ***

4 Moving Up – How You Get There Get better and better at the work Lawyering Developing others Leading others How you get better at the work Read everything you can get your hands on Research your cases Observe the best attorneys Get the most out of your coaches and mentors You are learning all the time. It is built into the warp and woof of your work

5 Why It Works Advancement is based on doing your job to a high standard, which requires: Increasing your own expertise Constant reading Observing Critiquing the work of others Practicing in front of others and getting their critiques Getting mentored and coached Developing the expertise of others

6 Teacher Development: U.S. Model “Workshop” model Lectures given to classes of teachers Agenda comes from others, not the teachers Time away from the work Disconnected from the life of the school Improvement in teacher expertise tops out after a few years Teachers learn what they have to learn to be “good enough”; no incentive to do any better; job the same at the end as at the beginning Teachers will sit through PD if they are paid to do so, keeping one eye on their watch

7 Teacher Development: The “Shanghai Model” Begins with career ladder; movement up the ladder based on: increasing expertise as teacher and increasing demonstrated ability to develop other teachers and to lead them in the work of improving instruction in the school Much more time for teachers to work in teams to improve every aspect of school operations, especially instruction

8 Teacher Development: The “Shanghai Model” Teachers work in teams, do their own research, use continuous improvement cycle Set clear objective Read global research literature to determine best practice Build development plan based on the best global research Build research and evaluation plan to track project success Develop new instructional approach Implement, observe, critique, correct course, evaluate, correct course

9 Teacher Development: The “Shanghai Model” Teachers in upper ranges of career ladder responsible for mentoring, coaching others, leading others In Shanghai, everyone except master teachers has a mentor/message: everyone can get better

10 Teacher Development: The “Shanghai Model” So where is the Professional Development? Woven into the work Pervasive coaching and mentoring from highly accomplished senior teachers in your own school Teachers in each other’s classrooms all the time, observing, critiquing, learning from each other Teachers working in teams, constantly doing research on the literature related to the improvement projects they are working on Teachers doing action research which gets published in journals read by other teachers Teachers reading the literature and taking workshops of their choosing, not to accumulate credits but to build expertise that will be rewarded in career advancement

11 Key Features Compared: Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, British Columbia Career ladder system for teachers and principals Teachers expected to get better and better at the work PD woven into the work, seen as driver of school improvement Teachers responsible for their own learning and the learning of other teachers Time set aside every week for sustained collaborative school improvement projects School-based research, continuous improvement system Teachers mentor, lead, publish research Supervisors rewarded for effective PD of faculty

12 Question Singapore and Shanghai have very well developed career ladders that are at the center of their professional development systems Hong Kong and British Columbia do not, but are also top performers Can we conclude that career ladders are not essential features of high performance professional development systems?

13 My Answer: YES! Hong Kong and British Columbia: Select from higher segments of their high school graduating classes than the U.S. Have stronger teacher education institutions than the U.S. Provide more support to practicing teachers than the U.S. Have stronger professional cultures than the U.S. U.S. will not succeed unless very strong measures are taken to incentivize practicing teachers to continually improve their expertise Strong career ladder systems are the most powerful tool available to do that

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