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The Literary Essay A How to Guide. What is a Literary Essay Essentially it is a persuasive piece that gives your opinion on an aspect of the novel. Often.

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Presentation on theme: "The Literary Essay A How to Guide. What is a Literary Essay Essentially it is a persuasive piece that gives your opinion on an aspect of the novel. Often."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Literary Essay A How to Guide

2 What is a Literary Essay Essentially it is a persuasive piece that gives your opinion on an aspect of the novel. Often focuses on character or theme. Usually has five parts: –Intro with thesis (your opinion) –2 or 3 body paragraphs –Conclusion

3 Introduction Lead Author Title of book Brief summary Thesis Body paragraphs Makes a point that supports the thesis. Provides evidence from the text (with page #s). Conclusion Restates thesis Summarizes main points Ends with strong wrap up

4 Read the Sample Essay As we read, we will pause and answer: –What is the writer’s thesis? –How do the writer prove this thesis? After reading: TAG it. What has the writer done well? What could he/she improve on?

5 Using Quotations: A good writer uses a mix of direct and indirect quotes. They can be direct: Perenelle is a very strong character. For instance, when everything looks hopeless she holds herself together because she “wasn’t going to give the sphinx the satisfaction of seeing her weep” (368).

6 Using Quotations They can be indirect: Perenelle is a very strong character. For instance, when everything looks hopeless she holds herself together because she doesn’t want the sphinx to see her cry (368).

7 The Art of Using Quotations Use a mix of direct and indirect quotations. If you summarize, you don’t need “”. If you take words directly from the text, use “”. For both direct and indirect, put the page number in () at the end of the sentence. Blend your direct quotations into a full sentence (they should never stand alone).

8 Read the Sample Essay As we read, we will pause and answer: –What is the writer’s thesis? –How do the writer prove this thesis? After reading: TAG it. What has the writer done well? What could he/she improve on?

9 The Introduction Has a lead to catch the reader’s attention. Gives author’s name and title of book (underline or italicize title). Gives a little plot summary. States your thesis.

10 The Introduction General Douglas MacArthur once remarked that “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.” In Umlando Wezithombe’s Nelson Mandela: The Authorized Comic Book we learn about the life of Nelson Mandela, from his upbringing in the South African countryside, through his early days as a lawyer in Johannesburg and his fight against Apartheid to his triumphant election as South Africa’s first Black president. We also learn lessons about leadership and that, to be a good leader you must have a strong vision but you cannot abuse your authority. You must still listen to those around you, even if you do not fully agree.

11 Another Intro: Sharing Control The sound of a breakdown may be accompanied by skidding tires and breaking glass or just quiet weeping in the night. In Backwater Betty Black, by Greg Doherty, both sounds are heard. The novel is the story of a jaded psych nurse, Betty Black, who takes a mental patient, Doug Vane, on a road trip that would try anyone’s sanity. Ultimately, the story portrays the relationship between happiness and control. To be happy, Doherty argues, one must be neither too controlling nor too controlled; and sometimes the only way to gain perspective on one’s sense of control is to lose control for a while.

12 Body Paragraphs State your point. Then use a blend of direct and indirect quotes to support your point. End your paragraph by making a clear connection to your thesis. How does this point prove your thesis?

13 Sample Body Paragraph The idea that a leader should be open to all points of view was important to Mandela and he often demonstrated that he has learned his lessons from the chief well. After the violence in Sharpeville, people are demanding a different strategy. For instance, one man confronted Mandela by saying “We can’t sit around talking non-violence after what has happened” (59). Mandela knows that he needs to listen to his followers even if this means a change his plans but he refuses to give up on his ideals. He begins to plan attacks on government buildings, carrying out the first in 1961 but he does not abandon his belief in non-violence. For example, the attacks happen only at night when no one is present (71). So, even though these are bombings, the aim is not to hurt anyone; only to make it difficult for the government to rule. In this way, Mandela demonstrates the qualities of a true leader by listening to others but still remaining true to his beliefs.

14 A Good Conclusion Rephrases your thesis. Might sum up your main points. Might end with a strong statement, a question or quote that ties into your thesis. Often answers the question “So what?” In other words, why does your thesis matter? Does not introduce new points.

15 Sample Conclusion Mandela demonstrated his commitment to preserving human life throughout his life. Even when his leadership was challenged by the extreme violence of the Apartheid government, he refused to abandon his core values. Instead, he asked his people what really mattered. Did they want revenge or freedom? In doing so he saved his country from falling into greater violence. In this way, Nelson Mandela gave the world an example of true leadership. If more people in powerful positions followed his example, the world would be a much better place.

16 Works Cited Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Medium of Publication (print, ebook, website, etc). Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print.

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