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Dan Saunders To run a nutrition counseling business for a wide range of clients in order to improve the health of people in the community.

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2 Dan Saunders

3 To run a nutrition counseling business for a wide range of clients in order to improve the health of people in the community

4 1.A handful of reliable trained counselors 2.Clients 3.Transportation to homes of clients 4.Tools in the form equipment and software in order to make this program more effective

5 Will not need to travel anywhere Flexible scheduling less needed doctors visits

6 Blood Pressure Kit Sphygmometer Stethoscope Blood pressure can help determine health issues and problems with diet Laptops used to run software Scale

7 Sphygmometer This is the instrument used to find blood pressure Stethoscope Used in accordance with sphygmometer to hear pulse $16.99 per kit on

8  Each counselor will need a laptop in order to effective guide the clients  14” HP laptop on  Runs on windows - perfect for the software explained later  $307.33

9 This scale measures body weight, body fat, and BMI Will help track success of client $44.33 at

10 Nutritionist Pro – Diet Analysis Slim down shopping list app (optional)

11 Complete nutrient analysis on over 51,000 foods Recipes and meal planning Client management Can be used on a windows operating system $595 at

12 Can be used on smart phones Will help client make the best decisions while grocery shopping FREE! This is optional and only clients with smart phones can use it

13 Easy to expand No building needed Inexpensive Software can be used on more than one computer Counselors will need there own laptops Great way to better the health of the community!

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