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Constitution Review. The Supreme law of the land is Called the…

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1 Constitution Review

2 The Supreme law of the land is Called the…

3 The Supreme law of the land is Called the… CONSTITUTION

4 What are the first 10 amendments Called?

5 What are the first 10 amendments Called? The Bill of Rights

6 The 4 th Amendment states…

7 The 4 th Amendment States That people are protected From searches and Seizures without a search warrant

8 The First Amendment gives people Freedom of…

9 The First Amendment gives people Freedom of… Speech, religion, press, Petition, and assembly

10 The 2 nd Amendment protects Citizens rights …

11 The 2 nd Amendment protects Citizens rights … To bear arms

12 The 5 th Amendment states that a person Does not have to ______________ against himself or herself in court.

13 The 5 th Amendment states that a person Does not have to TESTIFY against himself or herself in court.

14 According to the 5 th Amendment A person cannot be tried ____________ For the same crime.

15 According to the 5 th Amendment A person cannot be tried TWICE For the same crime.

16 A speedy and public trial is Guaranteed by the __________ Amendment.

17 A speedy and public trial is Guaranteed by the 6th Amendment.

18 The 22 nd Amendment limits…

19 The President TO TWO terms

20 The right to reasonable bails, fines And punishments is protected by which Amendment?

21 The right to reasonable bails, fines And punishments is protected by which Amendment? The 8 th Amendment

22 The 13 th,14 th,and 15 th amendment Are amendments that occurred After the end of ___________

23 The 13 th,14 th,and 15 th amendment Are amendments that occurred After the end of Slavery.

24 The 13 th amendment …

25 Ended slavery

26 The 14 th amendment gave Former slaves….

27 The 14 th amendment gave Former slaves…. Rights as citizens

28 The 15 th amendment gave Former male slaves….

29 The 15 th amendment gave Former male slaves…. The right to vote

30 The 19 th amendment gave...

31 Women the right to vote

32 Does Washington D.C get To vote for President?

33 Does Washington D.C get To vote for President? YES! The 23 rd Amendment gave Washington D.C the right to vote for President.

34 18 year olds received the right to Vote by which amendment?

35 18 year olds received the right to Vote by which amendment? The 26 th Amendment

36 The U.S. government is divided Into ______ branches.

37 The U.S. government is divided Into THREE branches. Legislative Executive Judicial

38 Which branch judges the laws And the lawbreakers?

39 Which branch judges the laws And the lawbreakers? The JUDICIAL branch

40 Which branch enforces the laws?

41 The Executive Branch

42 Which branch makes the laws?

43 The Legislative Branch

44 How many houses are in the Congress?

45 Two

46 What is Congress?

47 It is the Senate and House of Representatives

48 The compromise between the large states and the small states Made two houses in Congress. What was the compromise called?

49 The compromise between the large states and the small states Made two houses in Congress. What was the compromise called? The Great Compromise

50 Which house of Congress is based on Population?

51 Which house of Congress is based on Population? The House of Representatives

52 These are the House of Representatives Voting districts. Why are they all Different sizes?

53 These are the House of Representatives Voting districts. Why are they all Different sizes? They are different Sizes so they all have The same amount of People.

54 What is the process called that Counts the people that determines The number of votes each state receives In the House of Representatives?

55 What is the process called that Counts the people that determines The number of votes each state receives In the House of Representatives? The Census

56 How often does the Census occur?

57 Every 10 years

58 In which house of Congress does Each state receive two votes?

59 In which house of Congress does Each state receive two votes? The Senate

60 For a bill to go to the President how many Members of the House of Representatives And the Senate must vote yes for the bill?

61 For a bill to go to the President how many Members of the House of Representatives And the Senate must vote yes for the bill? A majority

62 Who may sign, veto, or pocket veto A bill?

63 Who may sign, veto, or pocket veto A bill? The President

64 Where must tax bill start?

65 In the House of Representatives

66 The Congress can coin money And tax the people, but can they Make laws that are not Listed in the Constitution.

67 The Congress can coin money And tax the people, but can they Make laws that are not Listed in the Constitution. Yes, Congress has implied powers that Allow them to make all laws necessary And proper.

68 The President can Declare war, right?

69 No, Congress must declare war.

70 The President is commander-in-chief Of the military (armed forces), right?

71 The President is commander-in-chief Of the military (armed forces), right? Yes, that is correct

72 If the President vetoes a bill, what Fraction of the House of Representatives And the Senate must vote yes for it to Become a law anyway?

73 If the President vetoes a bill, what Fraction of the House of Representatives And the Senate must vote yes for it to Become a law anyway? 2/3 of both the House and the Senate

74 The length of time a member of The House of Representatives Serves after elected is ___ years

75 The length of time a member of The House of Representatives Serves after elected is 2 years 2 years is a member of the House of Representatives term

76 How many years is the term of a Senator?

77 How many years is the term of a Senator? 6 years

78 All the Senators are not elected At the same time. What fraction are elected every 2 years?

79 All the Senators are not elected At the same time. What fraction are elected every 2 years? 1/3

80 A member of the House of Representatives must be at least How many years old?

81 A member of the House of Representatives must be at least How many years old? 25 years old

82 A member of the Senate must be at least How many years old?

83 A member of the Senate must be at least How many years old? 30 years old

84 Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?

85 Who is the leader of the House of Representatives? The Speaker of the House

86 Who breaks a tie vote in the Senate?

87 The Vice-President

88 The Vice-President is not in the Senate Very often to act as its leader. When the Vice-President is not there who is The leader of the Senate?

89 The Vice-President is not in the Senate Very often to act as its leader. When the Vice-President is not there who is The leader of the Senate? The President Pro-Tempore

90 Who is the head of the Executive Branch?

91 Who is the head of the Executive Branch? The President

92 Who gives the President advice?

93 The President’s Cabinet

94 Who appoints the members of the President’s cabinet?

95 Who appoints the members of the President’s cabinet? The Presidents always appoints

96 Who appoints the members of the Supreme Court?

97 Who appoints the members of the Supreme Court? The Presidents always appoints

98 Who appoints ambassadors?

99 The Presidents always appoints

100 Who must approve the President’s Appointments?

101 Who must approve the President’s Appointments? The Senate

102 What is the Citizenship requirement For the President?

103 What is the Citizenship requirement For the President? The President must be a natural born citizen

104 From who must a Presidential Candidate receive a majority of votes From in order to become President?

105 From who must a Presidential Candidate receive a majority of votes From in order to become President? The Electoral college.

106 Is it possible for a Presidential candidate To receive the most votes from the people And not be elected President?

107 Is it possible for a Presidential candidate To receive the most votes from the people And not be elected President? Oh yes it is. The electoral college is what counts.

108 For more information on the history of Electoral votes go to

109 If the President is no longer able to Serve who would become President?

110 If the President is no longer able to Serve who would become President? The Vice-President

111 If the President and Vice-President Can not serve as President who Would become President

112 If the President and Vice-President Can not serve as President who Would become President The Speaker of the House

113 What is the term used that states That a person cannot be held in jail Without knowing what the charges are Against them

114 What is the term used that states That a person cannot be held in jail Without knowing what the charges are Against them. Habeas Corpus

115 Congress cannot punish a person for An act that was not against the law When it was committed. What is this Type of law called?

116 Congress cannot punish a person for An act that was not against the law When it was committed. What is this Type of law called? An Expo Facto Law

117 Do you have any dollar bills that are Issued by the state of Illinois?

118 Do you have any dollar bills that are Issued by the state of Illinois? No all money is issued by the U.S. government

119 Trying to overthrow the government Of the U.S. or helping U.S enemies Is known as …

120 Trying to overthrow the government Of the U.S. or helping U.S enemies Is known as … Treason

121 What is the minimum age of The President?

122 What is the minimum age of The President? 35 years old

123 How many years is one of the President’s terms?

124 How many years is one of the President’s terms? 4 years

125 The top court in the Judicial Branch Is the…

126 The top court in the Judicial Branch Is the… Supreme Court

127 How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

128 How many justices are on the Supreme Court? 9 – (1 chief justice and 8 other justices)

129 If the courts believe that a law Goes against the Constitution they Can declare the law…

130 If the courts believe that a law Goes against the Constitution they Can declare the law… Unconstitutional

131 If the courts believe that a law Goes against the Constitution they Can declare the law… Unconstitutional This process is known as…

132 If the courts believe that a law Goes against the Constitution they Can declare the law… Unconstitutional This process is known as… Judicial review

133 What is the minimum age For a federal judge?

134 What is the minimum age For a federal judge? There is no age requirement

135 What is the term of a federal judge?

136 Life under good behavior

137 The power of a court to rule in A certain area is known as …

138 The power of a court to rule in A certain area is known as … Jurisdiction

139 A formal charge of wrongdoing is Known as…

140 A formal charge of wrongdoing is Known as… Impeachment

141 If a President, cabinet member, Or judge commits a crime, which House of Congress can impeach The person

142 If a President, cabinet member, Or judge commits a crime, which House of Congress can impeach the person? The House of Representatives

143 Which house of Congress serves as A court in an impeachment case?

144 Which house of Congress serves as A court in an impeachment case? The Senate

145 What part of the Constitution States the goals of the Constitution?

146 What part of the Constitution States the goals of the Constitution? The Preamble

147 The Preamble – Goal 1 In order to form _______________

148 The Preamble – Goal 1 In order to forma more perfect union

149 The Preamble – Goal 2 ?

150 Establish Justice

151 The Preamble – Goal 3 Insure…

152 The Preamble – Goal 3 Insure Domestic Tranquility

153 The Preamble – Goal 4 Provide…

154 The Preamble – Goal 4 Provide for the Common Defense

155 The Preamble – Goal 5 Promote…

156 The Preamble – Goal 5 Promote the General Welfare

157 The Preamble – Goal 6 Secure the …

158 The Preamble – Goal 6 Secure the blessings of liberty

159 The father of the Constitution is…

160 James Madison

161 Where and when was the Constitution written?

162 Where and when was the Constitution written? Philadelphia, 1787

163 What was the first government Of the U.S. called?

164 What was the first government Of the U.S. called? The Articles of Confederation

165 What was wrong with the Articles of Confederation?

166 What was wrong with the Articles of Confederation? It was too weak, it could not Protect the people

167 What event showed the Constitution Was too weak?

168 What event showed the Constitution Was too weak? When farmer Daniel Shay tried to Overthrow the government of Massachusetts – Shay’s rebellion

169 According to the Preamble who Wrote the Constitution?

170 According to the Preamble who Wrote the Constitution? We the People

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