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The Nation’s 1 st Governments The Declaration of Independence did not declare America to be a single country.

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2 The Nation’s 1 st Governments The Declaration of Independence did not declare America to be a single country.

3 The Declaration of Independence seperated the 13 American Colonies. Into 13 separate countries with their own governments and laws.Each state steering their own path.

4 Few Americans wanted to create a large Central Government. Why?

5 Confederation A group of states that band together for a common purpose. Each state was prepared to govern itself, but there were things the states could not do.

6 Raise an army large enough to defeat Great Britain.

7 Articles of Confederation was formed. A firm league of Friendship. We were still not a country, instead they established a system of cooperation.

8 Confederation A group of individuals or governments who band together for a common purpose.

9 The Articles of Confederation Did not unite the states into a single country. Instead they established a system of cooperation among 13 independent states.

10 The Articles of Confederation was weak.

11 Congress could not pass a law unless 9/13 States voted yes. To Amend a law which is to change a current law you had to have 13/13 states vote yes.

12 If Congress did happen to pass a law there was Army or law officials to enforce it.

13 The Articles weakness had severe consequences. The government had major problems raising money.

14 Shay’s Rebellion- an uprising to overthrow the United States government. The burden of taxes fell on the American citizen.

15 Shay like many Americans was a farmer who had fallen into debt because of heavy state taxes. He and a group of 1200 farmers tried to overthrow the United States government.

16 Shay’s Rebellion showed that we needed a stronger government. In 1787 12 states sent delegates to Philadelphia to change the Articles of Confederation.

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