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Passive isolation: Pre-isolation for FF quads A. Gaddi, H. Gerwig, A. Hervé, N. Siegrist, F. Ramos.

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Presentation on theme: "Passive isolation: Pre-isolation for FF quads A. Gaddi, H. Gerwig, A. Hervé, N. Siegrist, F. Ramos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passive isolation: Pre-isolation for FF quads A. Gaddi, H. Gerwig, A. Hervé, N. Siegrist, F. Ramos

2 Page 2 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Retrospective view. In the first CLIC MDI layout (legacy of ILC MDI), the QD0s were supported by the detector, or by a pillar on the detector moving platform. However it became clear, after the measuring campaign at CMS, that the vibrations generated by the detector itself would make impossible to achieve the stability requirements given for the FF magnets at CLIC. Measurements done at CMS by EN-MME Group/CERN

3 Page 3 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Scope of work. Try to attenuate, at its source, ground motion vertical excitations, in the range 1 – 50 Hz, to make life easier to the following stabilization systems. Objective. Stabilize FF magnets to better than 0.2 nm (rms) at 4 Hz, using an integrated approach of three systems, each one with its dynamic range and frequency response:  Passive pre-isolator  Active mechanical stabilization  Beam-based stabilization

4 Page 4 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Stabilization block diagram. from B. Carron/CLIC Stabilization Working Group X – ground motion K i – isolator transfer function D – external disturbances else than ground-motion W – white noise on beam position  Y – beam position signal

5 Page 5 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Pre-isolator – How does it work ? Low dynamic stiffness (k) mount natural frequency around 1 Hz Acts as a low-pass filter for the ground motion (w) Large mass (m) between 50 and 100 tons Provides the inertia necessary to withstand the external disturbances (F a ), such as air flow, acoustic pressure, etc.) +

6 Page 6 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Where does it fit ? Ideally located at the end of the machine tunnel, just in front of the detector, on both sides. drawing by N. Siegrist

7 Page 7 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads How can it be realized ? QF1 QD0 Mass Elastic support Walk- on-floor QD0 support tube conceptual design

8 Page 8 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads More in details : QD0SD0MULTQF1SF1 Pre-isolator slab Accelerator tunnel Detector side

9 Page 9 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads FE Model Layout. Things missing in the model: Pre-alignment mechanics Final doublet’s geometries (using, for now, 3-D point masses with estimated inertias) Final doublet’s supporting structures (girders, etc.) Pre-isolator’s supports (using, for now, 1-D springs with appropriate stiffness) LumicalBeamcalQD0SD0MULT QF1SF1

10 Page 10 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Response to excitation in the vertical direction. 1 Hz 51.2 Hz Good performance above the first resonance peak

11 Page 11 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Response to excitation in the horizontal directions. There is a good decoupling between horizontal & vertical directions Ground motion

12 Page 12 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Random vibration response. Vertical ground motion at CMS.

13 Page 13 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Random vibration response. Vertical ground motion at CMS. 4 Hz 2.9 nm 0.1 nm Reduction in r.m.s. displacements by a factor 30 above 4 Hz

14 Page 14 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Tilting modeVertical mode Horizontal mode

15 Page 15 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Example of pre-isolator application in industry. Vibration isolation system at the Centre for Metrology and Accreditation – Helsinki, Finland 4 independent seismic masses (3x70 ton + 1x140 ton) 0.8 Hz pneumatic vibration isolators (“air springs”)

16 Page 16 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Experimental set-up – Why ? How will it react to different noise sources, else than micro-seism ? Is the system’s performance amplitude dependent ? What about energy loss mechanisms (friction...) ? What performance can we expect ? We have built a prototype to try to answer to these questions. Although rather different from the reference design, it will serve to validate the idea of having a low-frequency mechanical filter in front of the FF stabilization chain. The idea is promising, but...

17 Page 17 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Experimental set-up – How ? The prototype needs to be: Simple to design/build/assemble Easy to “debug” & tune Cheap Frictionless pivotal joints Proposal: 40 ton mass supported by 4 structural beams acting as flexural springs Center of mass

18 Page 18 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Photo of the prototype.

19 Page 19 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Experimental set-up – expected performance. Performance in ideal conditions (ground motion only). TransmissibilityDisplacement P.S.D. 1.55 Hz CMS floor @Pre-isolator Integrated R.M.S. Displacement 2.9nm at CMS floor 0.2 nm at Pre-isolator 15x

20 Page 20 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Experimental set-up – position of the vibration sensors. Ground Foot Flex beam Mass

21 Page 21 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Experimental setup – first results: reconstructed center movements. tiltunknownfeet resonances

22 Page 22 IWLC, October 2010, A. Gaddi, Physics Dept. CERN Passive isolation: Pre-isolator for FF quads Future plans. A passive low-frequency pre-isolator has been proposed as a support for the FF magnets. It can be integrated at the interface between the machine tunnel and the detector cavern. This pre-isolator will constitute the first “layer” of the stabilization chain. This concept has already been used in other industrial and research facilities. Experimental tests will be performed to understand how the system behaves in “real life” conditions (no simulation can accurately take into account all these effects). A simple and relatively inexpensive experimental set-up has been conceived and built. Measurements are under way. Further studies are necessary to integrate the pre-isolator with the civil- engineering and the other MDI systems (pre-alignement, FF magnets, forward detector region, beam-pipe, etc…)

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