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Study of the ND Data/MC for the CC analysis October 14, 2005 MINOS collaboration meeting M.Ishitsuka Indiana University.

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Presentation on theme: "Study of the ND Data/MC for the CC analysis October 14, 2005 MINOS collaboration meeting M.Ishitsuka Indiana University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of the ND Data/MC for the CC analysis October 14, 2005 MINOS collaboration meeting M.Ishitsuka Indiana University

2 Motivation Event reconstruction (track, shower) Detector performance MC (neutrino interaction, nuclear effect, B-field) Beam status (vertex, direction, spectrum) Stability of data Check of How should we use ND Data in analysis?  Measurement of neutrino spectrum and y by the ND data

3 Data/MC and cuts in this talk DataLE: March4.23x10 17 pot LE: June-September (not all)8.11x10 18 pot pME5.12x10 17 pot pHE1.58x10 18 pot MCLEn13xxxL0101852.80x10 18 pot pMEn13xxxL1002001.40x10 18 pot pHEn13xxxL2502009.74x10 18 pot MC in all plots are normalized by the POT of the data. Beam quality cut by using DB (BEAMMONSPILL) W/ reconstructed track Reconstructed vertex in {R from beam center<50cm & 1 < z < 3.5 m} DP’s PID > -0.2 R1.18 LE, pME and pHE Data/MC

4 Select CC enriched sample (PID by David) pMELEpHE Data (March) Data MC Data MC Data MC NC anti- CC R1.18 NC CC efficiency NC miss-ID LE data (March)511.1+/-11.0  384.3+/-9.5 LE data486.7+/-2.4  365.6+/-2.1 LE MC537.1+/-4.4(86.3%)  423.9+/-3.9(95.8) pME data911.8+/-13.3  655.3+/-11.3 pME MC1022.7+/-8.6 (85.0)  781.1+/-7.5 (96.4) pHE data1395.8+/-9.4  988.7+/-7.9 pHE MC1521.8+/-12.5 (83.9)  1151.8+/-10.9 (96.8) #events/10 17 POT before and after PID cut (CC fraction %) -9.3% -16.1% -14.2%

5 vertex and end point Track end xTrack end yTrack end z March Data: green boxes June-Sep. Data: black points MC: red lines LE Track vertex xTrack vertex yTrack vertex z R1.18

6 vertex and end point Track vertex xTrack vertex yTrack vertex z Track end xTrack end yTrack end z Data: black points MC: red lines pME R1.18

7 vertex and end point Track vertex xTrack vertex yTrack vertex z Track end xTrack end yTrack end z Data: black points MC: Red lines pHE R1.18

8 Track momentum Curvature pMELEpHE Track length (fully contained) March Data Data MC Data MC Data MC NC anti- NC anti- NC anti- R1.18

9 Angular difference of track from beam direction pMELEpHE Reco. Y < 0.2 for LE  QE enriched sample Suppression in forward direction (low-Q 2 )  need additional cut to identify the source March Data Data MC Data MC Data MC QE NC R1.18 Reco. Y > 0.2 for pME and pHE  DIS enriched sample

10 Angular difference of track from beam direction for QE and DIS enriched sample pMELEpHE Reco. QE Q 2 Small forward supression in QE enriched sample (LE)  strong suppression in K2K & MiniBoone Forward suppression in DIS enriched sample (pME,pHE)  could be explained by Bodek&Yang Data MC Data MC Data MC QE R1.18 Data MC QE DIS Reco. y<0.2 Reco. y>0.2 Reco. Y>0.2 Reco. Y<0.2

11 Reconstructed shower energy and y Shower energy = NtpSRShower->ph.linCCgev y pMELEpHE March Data Data MC Data MC Data MC QE RES DIS NC QE RES DIS NC QE RES DIS NC R1.18

12 Reconstructed E (= E  + Eshw) pMELEpHE Better agreement than Ely plots W/ nuclear effect (pME and pHE) ~1 GeV shift still exist  better agreement W/ de- weighted shower energy March Data Data MC W/ syst. Data MC W/ syst. Data MC W/ syst. QE RES DIS NC QE RES DIS NC QE RES DIS NC Peak position: (Data-MC)/MC R1.18

13 Beam profile after reconstruction and comparison with FD spectrum (reco. E  LE good agreement in all regions Need more statistic of MC for more detailed study Data MC (ND) Spectrum at FD R1.18 R beam < 10cm Data MC (ND) Spectrum at FD Data MC (ND) Spectrum at FD R beam < 30cmR beam < 50cm

14 Measurement of neutrino spectrum and y by the ND data motivation Flux cross-section efficiency Fiducial mass Parameters  measure by the ND data procedure True E True y  E  (10%) and  Eshw (10%) are also considered in fit

15 Data and bin in this analysis Reco. y < 0.1 Reco. y > 0.8 0.1 < y < 0.2 0.5 < y < 0.6 0.4 < y < 0.5 0.3 < y < 0.4 0.6 < y < 0.8 0.2 < y < 0.3 Reconstructed E Data2.20x10 18 pot MC2.80x10 18 pot Beam quality cut W/ reconstructed track R<1m & 1<z<5 m DP’s PID > -0.2 R1.18 LE  2 = 919.2/152d.o.f. Data: black MC: red (normalized by POT)

16 MC parameters bin and profile True E True y CC (8x4) NC (8) QE RES DIS

17 -0.1 0.18 Result of fit (1-  =20% for all parameters) Reco. y < 0.1 Reco. y > 0.8 0.1 < y < 0.2 0.5 < y < 0.6 0.4 < y < 0.5 0.3 < y < 0.4 0.6 < y < 0.8 0.2 < y < 0.3 Reconstructed E  2 = 136.6/152d.o.f. Data: black MC: red (normalized by POT) Best fit: blue Best-fit parameters NC CC  E  =+5%,  Eshw=-13%

18 -0.5 0.3 Should be free parameters? Reco. y < 0.1 Reco. y > 0.8 0.1 < y < 0.2 0.5 < y < 0.6 0.4 < y < 0.5 0.3 < y < 0.4 0.6 < y < 0.8 0.2 < y < 0.3 Reconstructed E  2 = 107.2/112d.o.f. Data: black MC: red (normalized by POT) Best fit: blue NC CC Best-fit parameters  E  =+5%,  Eshw=-13%

19 summary Study of R1.18 ND Data/MC with CC selection ~10% difference in #events/POT Data indicate low-Q 2 suppression in DIS (pME, pHE) ~1GeV shift in pME, pHE spectrum Measurement of neutrino spectrum and y is carried out by the ND Data Plan CC analysis by using the measured spectrum and y ND FD FD/ND error E scale

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