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IEA IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT ON NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY OF FUSION REACTORS International Workshop on Subtask Neutronics Report on ENEA activity in 2004 Paola.

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Presentation on theme: "IEA IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT ON NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY OF FUSION REACTORS International Workshop on Subtask Neutronics Report on ENEA activity in 2004 Paola."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEA IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT ON NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY OF FUSION REACTORS International Workshop on Subtask Neutronics Report on ENEA activity in 2004 Paola Batistoni – ENEA Frascati Venice, September 21, 2004

2 OUTLINE  Test Blanket Module (TBM) experiment  Construction of HCPB TBM Mock-up  Benchmarking of T measurement techniques & assessment of uncertainties  Activation experiments  Measurement and analyses of decay heat in Ta irradiated in a first-wall like neutron spectrum (in progress)  Validation of doserate calculations for JET  Numerical benchmark D1S & R2S methods  Comparison with available experimental data  Activation experiment at JET for the validation of activation properties of ITER materials  Activation of EUROFER

3 TBM NEUTRONICS EXPERIMENT 1. Design of mock-up, pre-analysis for measurements of TPR (2003) Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Concept metallic beryllium (1.85 g/cm 3 ) breeder double cassette Li 2 CO 3 powder (7.5% 6 Li) thickness 1.2 cm separated by steel 1-mm-thick walls. Box of stainless steel (AISI-316) external dimension 31.0 cm x 29.0 cm x 31.0 cm, thickness 5 mm

4 Measurements arrangements TPR : 2 independent measurements by Li 2 CO 3 pellets (nat. Li) Tritium activity is in the range A ~ 10 -14 Bq/g/n requiring  5 x 10 15 neutron budget Neutron flux by activation foils in the central beryllium layer Neutron &  -ray spectrum at the end of the central beryllium layer 12 pellets (2mm thick each) in each position to measure the TPR gradient across the ceramic breeder layer

5 2. Construction of HCPB TBM Mock-up All steel components have been realised in ENEA The cassettes have been filled with Li 2 CO 3 powder

6 we have also realised aluminum mock- ups of beryllium blocks to test the assembly and to check the alignment of vertical channels DESIGN OF TBM NEUTRONICS EXPERIMENT Removable tubes Cassettes aluminum mock-ups of beryllium blocks

7 detector capsules to locate the Li 2 CO 3 pellets in position, as well as the Beryllium capsules to fill the vertical channels

8 The mock up has been shipped to the Institute of Inorganic Materials of Moscow (VNIINM) that will fabricate Be blocks and will assembly the TBM Completion of mock-up construction is expected by the end of 2004

9 3. Benchmarking of experimental techniques for tritium measurement & assessment of uncertainties (ENEA/TUD/JAERI) DESIGN OF TBM NEUTRONICS EXPERIMENT  Objective Reduce uncertainties in TPR measurements  Collaboration between ENEA, JAERI and TUD established HTO samples with different specific activities are prepared by each group: 1/3 samples are measured in the laboratory of origin, the other samples sent to the other laboratories  check the calibration (completed in 2003) Li 2 CO 3 pellets (starting with pellets enriched in Li-7, all prepared by JAERI) have been irradiated at each laboratory in a pure 14 MeV neutron field. 1/3 pellets are measured on site, the remaining two sets, 1/3 each, sent to the other laboratories (2004, almost completed)

10 First step: HTO samples  All measurements in agreement with theoretical value within total uncertainty.  Uncertainty on theoretical value certified by the provider on the activity of the original HTO (+ diluition procedure).  A < 10 Bq/g larger error bars generally due to background  A >  20 Bq/g uncertanties reduce.  In the TBM mock-up experiment  achieve a specific tritium activity A >  20 Bq/g in the pellet probes,  perform calibration procedure using certified standard solutitions with the lowest possible total uncertainty.

11 Second step: Li 2 CO 3 pellets irradiated at FNS with 14 MeV neutrons  7 Li 2 CO 3 (13 mm diam, 2 mm thick) FNS-Li7 attached to a rotating disk, irradiated for one day on 16,17 or 18 July 2003  6 Li 2 CO 3 (13 mm diameter, 1 mm thick) attached to rotating disk inserted into a cavity inside a beryllium assembly. FNS-Li6-L irradiated for two days on 3 and 4 February 2004, FNS-Li6-H irradiated for four days from 3 to 6 February 2004 The uniformity of irradiation conditions was confirmed by using the activation foils.

12 Preliminary results  total uncertainty between 4.86 % - 6.86 % (2  )  agreement at 10% between TUD and at JAERI within the combined relative uncertainties  measurements performed in ENEA are in agreement with the others at low activity levels, but show and underestimation (15-20%) at higher activity values.  new measurements at TUD/VKTA have shown that disagreement is due the calibration procedure  Further work needed to achieve accurate intercalibration

13 VALIDATION OF DOSERATE CALCULATIONS FOR JET (ENEA/FZK/UKAEA) Numerical benchmark (2003)  direct, 1 step method (D1S) using only MCNP (FISPACT for decay time correction)  rigorous, 2 steps method (R2S) using MCNP/FISPACT/MCNP

14 VALIDATION OF DOSERATE CALCULATIONS FOR JET (ENEA/FZK/UKAEA) Comparison of D1S and R2S with JET measurements during DT1 (2003/2004))  2005 dedicated benchmark experiment during JET DD operation

15 Octant-8, up inboard Irradiation end Irradiation of EUROFER-97 sample e JET during the 2003 TTE Total 14 MeV Neutron Yield = 3.09E+18 n Total 2.5 MeV Neutron Yield = 4.60E+18 n in ~ two weeks Local neutron spectrum unfolded from activation foils ACTIVATION EXPERIMENTS AT JET

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