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Hermeneutics: Interpreting the Bible The Importance of Hermeneutics/General Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Hermeneutics: Interpreting the Bible The Importance of Hermeneutics/General Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hermeneutics: Interpreting the Bible The Importance of Hermeneutics/General Introduction

2 Lesson Plan for Today: April 20, 2010  I. Prayer  II. Introductions  A. Prof.  B. Students: name, hometown, current church and ministry, email address  III. Format:  A. Lecture with the help of Power-Point  B. Lecture notes will be handed out prior to the delivery of each lecture  C. Lecture notes and Power-Point slides will be emailed after each lecture  D. Questions are acceptable (provided that the student raises his hand and is acknowledged by the professor)  E. Chatter during the lectures will be highly frowned upon.  F. Students may use lap-tops, but not for surfing the net during lectures.  IV. Syllabus/Texts and Articles  V. Overview of Course Lectures  VI. Lecture 1  VII. Prayer

3 OVERVIEW OF COURSE LECTURES  INTRODUCTION: Importance of Hermeneutics  I. General Introduction to Hermeneutics  II. Principles and Practice of Hermeneutics  III. History of Hermeneutics  IV. Sources of Hermeneutical Principles  V. Canonical Structure and Hermeneutics  VI. Biblical Genres and Hermeneutics  VII. The Bible’s Interpretation of the Bible  VIII. Biblical Theology and Hermeneutics  IX. Contemporary Issues

4 I. General Introduction to Hermeneutics  INTRODUCTION: The Importance of Hermeneutics  I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO HERMENEUTICS  A. Defining Key Terms  1. Importance of defining terms:  2. Identification and definition of technical terms used:  a. Hermeneutics:  1) Basic definition:  2) Etymology:  b. Grammatical-Historical interpretation:  c. Redemptive-Historical/Canonical interpretation:  d. Historical-Theological interpretation:  B. Types of Hermeneutics  1. General hermeneutics:  2. Special/Sacred hermeneutics:  C. Place of Hermeneutics in the Encyclopedia of Theology  D. Hermeneutics and Exegesis  1. Hermeneutics:  2. Exegesis:

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