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Chapter 35 The Politics of boom and bust 1920-1932.

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2 Chapter 35 The Politics of boom and bust 1920-1932

3 Return of the old Guard Republicans of the 1920’s Warren Harding looked like a president Court Appointments 4/9 Reversal of Muller v. Oregon: Adkins v. Children’s Hospital Hughes, Hoover, Mellon Ohio Gang Harry Daugherty and Albert Fall Laissez faire and large corporations

4 After WWI Strikes American Legion, Veterans’ bureau Promise of a future bonus

5 Preventing war Washington Conference Charles Evans Hughes calls for Naval holiday 5 power treaty:US, Great Britain, Japan, France, Italy 4 power treaty: GB, US, France, Japan Kellogg-Briand pact (1928) tariffs impact on world???

6 Scandals, Coolidge, and those poor farmers Teapot Dome, Veterans’ bureau Harding dies Coolidge takes over Farmers: too much crops, grow crops to make more money

7 Dawes plan and Germany French and British debts

8 Election of 1928 Hoover v. Al(coholic) Smith “A vote for Al is a vote for the pope” Hoover wins in a landslide Tariffs

9 Stock market crash and the Great Depression Oct 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday” Interest rates went up Shares sold off in a panic Causes of the Great Depression Overproduction, stock speculation, easy credit, worldwide economic troubles, drought, banking crisis

10 Hoover’s response Speeches to the American public Public works projects: roads, Hoover dam Blame placed squarely on Hoover Hoover encouraged donation Hoovervilles, Hoover blankets, Hoover flags

11 Bonus Army and Japan Thousands of veterans march on Washington DC Veterans ordered to leave the city, Army called to clear out the veterans Several people and a dog killed in scuffles with the army (just kidding about the dog) Japanese invasion of Manchuria (1931) Role of league of Nations??

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