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National Reports of The Netherlands Pieter Bartels 13 June 2014.

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1 National Reports of The Netherlands Pieter Bartels 13 June 2014

2 Evolution of the market situation  Packaging glass  Put on the market 201020112012 504kT516kT536kT  Collected glass household 201020112012 349kT348kT345kT  Estimated glass in household waste: 150k ton per year  Industrial glass 201020112012 109kT80kT36kT  Recycling 201020112012 91%83%71%

3  Collection of Flat glass 201120122013 89,8kT85,6kT74,8kT  Representing appox. 75% of the new glass set on the market  High percentage of flat glass collection in The Netherlands is due to the system/organisation of VRN (Vlakglasrecycling Nederland)  ELV  Total volume in The Netherlands is approx. 4,5kT  Untill 01-07-2014 ARN was dismanteling car-glass before shreddering  As from 01-07-2014 ARN will stop to pay the fee for dismanteling car-glass, which will be most probably the end of dismanteling car-glass  Car-glass will stay in the ASR (Auto Shredder Residue)

4 Quality aspects  Lead controle  Vitro ceramics  Less fines (0-8mm)  Still reducing CSP/(non)-ferro levels  Other heavy metals reduction (?)

5 Authorities  Afvalfonds  NEDVANG  Infrastructuur en Milieu (IenM – before VROM)  VA (Vereneging van Afvalbedrijven)  …(logistiek…??)

6 End of Waste (EoW)  Sofar not possible to obtain an official certificate End of Waste for processed glass in The Netherlands  Maltha is ISO certified 9001/14001 and OSHAS 18001, all done by VERITAS  RvA (Raad van Accreditatie), has not accredited a company in The Netherlands to issue an official certification End of Waste

7 Promotion for glass recycling  NEDVANG  After many years without any promotion for glass recyling and collection, NEDVANG recently started a promotional campaign  Absolute necessary as there has not been any promotion at all  Quality of the collected glass is detoriating and quantity is decreasing

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