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Special Collections Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching (SCARLET) Matthew Ramirez ELI 2012 Annual Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Collections Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching (SCARLET) Matthew Ramirez ELI 2012 Annual Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Collections Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching (SCARLET) Matthew Ramirez ELI 2012 Annual Meeting

2 Aims »Use AR to add value to the learner experience. »Produce a methodology that other Special Collections libraries can follow, making these resources accessible for research, teaching and learning. Challenges and considerations »Students must consult rare books within the controlled conditions of library study rooms. »The objects are isolated from the secondary, supporting materials and the growing mass of related digital assets. »What application does AR have to the wider audience? »How does use of AR enhance Learning & Teaching? »Differentiation and blended learning (Jo to write) Project Overview

3 »Tuition Fees increased in most UK universities to £9000 per year. »Students require more demonstrative input and contact time from academics. »Universities have to offer more supported e- learning materials supplementing contact time. »Students expect increased differentiation in learning styles in contrast to traditional didactic approach. Educational Context in the UK

4 »SCARLET is unique in that it has a multi-disciplinary team working to achieve aims with a focus on student learning Stakeholder Roles Mimas Project Management and AR technology John Rylands Library Access and technical integration with digitised content and special collections Academics Award winning academics from Humanities faculty to develop and deliver content Mimas To evaluate learning with students


6 »Augmented Reality (AR) is a term for superimposing computer graphics over a live view of the real world »Can be delivered on a desktop, television, mobile device etc. Introduction to AR

7 »In televised sporting events real-time analytical information is displayed offering insight into a player, time left, league tables etc. Examples of AR

8 »Combining the magic of seeing and handling primary sources with leading-edge technology to support research-led teaching. »Surround objects with interpretative and contextual material. »Bridging the gap between tutor-mediated seminars and independent learning. »Using blended learning methodology. »Users retain information when actively involved in a learning experience. AR Student Benefits

9 »Morgan Stanley forecast that by 2014 mobile internet usage will overtake user access through traditional desktop means. Mobile Usage

10 SCARLET Content

11 Bringing Special Collections to life using AR

12 GLUE-ing information to images

13 »The GLUE object or visual reference should be kept with the Edition, in this case Dante’s Landino but can also be copied for student to take away. »User journey should be self contained to browser app. Storyboarding – Phase 1 development GLUE ObjectLanding pageWebpage

14 Landing Page »Title »Short Description »Audio (Optional) »Video Walkthrough (Optional) »Email (Optional) Web page »Links to associated resources »Short piece of text to accompany links »Images (Optional) »RSS Feeds - Twitter, blog, news etc. (Optional) »Learning/Research Activities Content Acquisition

15 Overview – Phase 1 workflow Landing pageWebpageGLUE Object

16 Student Learning Materials

17 »How effective is the AR app in allowing a more direct comparison of the 10 selected objects (Dante) in contrast to previous methods employed? »How does the AR app assist in demonstrating an understanding of the changing media used for textual transmission. »How can feedback be used to inform the next development phase? »Does AR add value to students study and assist with learning outcomes? Initial Evaluation objectives

18 User Journey

19 User Journey video

20 »Technology was easy to use. »Provided a central reference to library systems and external resources. »Beneficial for initial planning of essays and basic knowledge acquisition. »Video introductions related to specific objects were most valuable asset in the delivery. Feedback - Positive

21 »Resources were already available online (Blackboard) »Students felt divorced from physical object, linking to web app diluted the experience »Activity was prescribed and not aligned with some users research methods consulting physical secondary texts. Feedback - Negative

22 »Use of AR should be more contextual and linked to the object. »Best used in short byte size learning chunks »Must deliver unique learning values different from online support (e.g.VLE). »User should become less conscious of the technology and more engaged with the text. »Users learn in different ways and AR may not be appropriate to all students. »Evaluation needed from other user groups and course areas. Feedback – Lessons Learned

23 Next Steps

24 »Develop materials overlaid on the physical resource for other courses (Milton, Ancient Egyptian papyri). »Work with library to promote public engagement. »Investigate funding opportunities in other subject areas. »Disseminate tool kit at project end. Next Steps

25 Other subject applications

26 »Project blog at where all members of project contribute on all aspects (academic, technology, pedagogy, special collections. »Twitter @team_scarlet »Email: »Publications »CILIP Update magazine (February 2012) »SCONUL Focus (February 2012) Project Communication

27 Thank you

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