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Latin America Where does the latin in Latin America come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Latin America Where does the latin in Latin America come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin America Where does the latin in Latin America come from?

2 Physical Geography  The study of the natural features of the earth’s surface, especially in its current aspects, including land formation, climate, currents, and distribution of flora and fauna.  EXAMPLES IN LATIN AMERICA

3 Andes Mountains (Peru)

4 The Eastern Flank of the Andes

5 Llamas in the Andes

6 The Sierra Madres, Mexico

7 Atacama Desert

8 The Panama Canal

9 Guianan Highlands, Venezuela

10 Amazon Rain Forest

11 Cattle Ranching on the Pampas

12 Brazilian Highlands

13 Patagonian Region (Chile)

14 Regions of Latin America Central America The Caribbean South America South America

15 Physical Geography  Carribean Sea, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean  Sierra Madre Occidental Pampas, Patagonia, Sierra Madre Oriental Amazon R., Rio de Plata, Andes Atlas  Isthmus of Panama Brazilian Highlands, Amazon Basin, LAKE TITICACA, Cape Horn, Mato Grosso Plateau, Atacama Desert, Galapagos Is.

16 Precipitation

17 Temperatures

18 Elevation

19 HUMBOLDT CURRENT Peruvian Current

20 Humboldt Current Peruvian Current  A current of cold Antarctic water which is brought to the surface by air currents.  The water that is brought to the surface is nutrient rich. It brings with it all the nutrients created from sinking decomposed organic matter.  During this season the water temperature drops from around 70°F (21°C) to 80°F (27°C) – December to May, down to around 65°F (18°C) to 75°F (23°C) – June through November.

21 Vertical Climate (get your map out)

22 Altitudinal Zonation: Vertical Climate


24 The Tropical Hemisphere

25 What is El Nino? (Happens every 2-7 yrs.) When trade winds lose their strengths the ocean responds in a several ways. Warm surface waters from the large, warm pool east of Indonesia begin to move eastward. Moreover, the natural spring warming in the central Pacific is allowed to continue and spread eastward through the summer and fall.  As a result, the large central and eastern Pacific regions warm up (over a period of about 6 months) into an El Niño.

26 Children of the Tropics El Nino  The Effects of El Nino The Effects of El Nino  Effects of El Nino are increased rainfall across the southern tier of the US and in Peru, which has causes destructive flooding, and drought in the West Pacific, sometimes associated with devastating brush fires in Australia. Observations of conditions in the tropical Pacific are considered essential for the prediction of short term (a few months to 1 year) climate variations.  Graphic of El Nino Graphic of El Nino

27 El Nino  The El Niño temperature anomaly of 1997-98 (appearing here as a red band in the Pacific Ocean) affected weather worldwide.

28 His sister, La Nina  During La Niña years, the trade winds are unusually strong due to an enhanced pressure gradient between the eastern and western Pacific. As a result, upwelling is enhanced along the coast of South America, contributing to colder than normal surface waters over the eastern tropical Pacific and warmer than normal surface waters in the western tropical Pacific.

29 La Nina

30 Columbian Exchange (old NAFTA)

31 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)  NAFTA has eliminated trade barriers, increased investment opportunities, and established procedures for resolution of trade disputes. Most important, it has increased the competitiveness of the three countries (Mexico, Canada, USA) involved on the global marketplace.

32 Advantages of NAFTA  NAFTA links 444 million people and produces $17 trillion in goods and services annually.  Trade between the NAFTA countries tripled from $297 billion in 1993 to $1 trillion in 2007

33 Disadvantages of NAFTA  Critics blame NAFTA for destroying American jobs and lowering U.S. wages. Others accuse NAFTA of exploiting Mexico's workers, destroying its farms and polluting its environment.  In addition, NAFTA increases the U.S. trade deficitU.S. trade deficit

34 CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement)  Eliminates 80% of tariffs  This means things like computers and books, which are usually more expensive in Central American countries than in the US despite lower labor and other costs, will come down in price.

35 Jared Diamond links  European advantages over Incas European advantages over Incas  Continental Shape Continental Shape

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