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Working With Words Parts of Speech Literary Terms Academic Vocabulary Fiction Vocabulary 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40.

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2 Working With Words Parts of Speech Literary Terms Academic Vocabulary Fiction Vocabulary 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 Parts of Speech– 10 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The dog ran outside. ANSWER: Verb

4 Parts of Speech– 20 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The huge dog ran outside. ANSWER: Adjective

5 Parts of Speech – 30 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The huge dog ran under the table. ANSWER: Preposition

6 Parts of Speech – 40 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The dog and the kid ran under the table. ANSWER: Conjunction

7 Parts of Speech – 50 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The dog and the kid ran quickly under the table. ANSWER: Adverb

8 Literary Terms – 10 Points QUESTION: This picture is an example of what literary term? ANSWER: Simile

9 Literary Terms – 20 Points QUESTION: This picture is an example of what literary term? ANSWER: Metaphor

10 Literary Terms – 30 Points QUESTION: The picture is an example of what literary term? ANSWER: Irony

11 Literary Terms – 40 Points QUESTION: The picture represents what literary term? ANSWER: Foreshadowing

12 Literary Terms – 50 Points QUESTION: The picture represents what literary term? ANSWER: Paradox

13 Academic Vocabulary – 10 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to show how things are different? ANSWER: Contrast

14 Academic Vocabulary – 20 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to make a judgment and support it with evidence? ANSWER: Evaluate

15 Academic Vocabulary – 30 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to prove or to support a position with specific facts and reasons? ANSWER: Justify

16 Academic Vocabulary – 40 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to systematically and critically examine all parts of an issue or event? ANSWER: Analyze

17 Academic Vocabulary – 50 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to read between the lines or to use knowledge or experience to draw conclusions, make generalizations, or form predictions? ANSWER: Infer

18 Fiction Vocabulary – 10 Points QUESTION: Scout Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird is an example of a/an ________________________. ANSWER: Protagonist

19 Fiction Vocabulary – 20 Points QUESTION: In Batman, Joker is an example of what? ANSWER: Antagonist (also character foil, but we haven’t gone over that yet.)

20 Fiction Vocabulary – 30 Points QUESTION: What type of narration is this example: ANSWER: Third person omniscent

21 Fiction Vocabulary – 40 Points QUESTION: What type of point of view is this example? ANSWER: First person

22 Fiction Vocabulary – 50 Points QUESTION: The following are examples of what? Money can’t buy happiness. Don’t judge people based on the surface. It’s better to die free than live under tyranny. ANSWER: Theme

23 Working with Words – 10 Points QUESTION: What two grammatical errors are in the following sentence? Dwight D Eisenhower was born in Denison Texas, on October 14, 1890. ANSWER: D., Denison, Texas

24 Working with Words – 20 Points QUESTION: This picture represents which word that means full of pride and arrogance? ANSWER: Hubris

25 Working with Words – 30 Points QUESTION: These are examples of what? ANSWER: Prefixes

26 Working with Words – 40 Points QUESTION: This image refers to what term? ANSWER: Connotation

27 Working with Words – 50 Points QUESTION: What is an affix? Give an example. ANSWER: An element added to the beginning or the ending of a word. Examples: im-, in-, pre-, -est, -tion.

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