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Creating a mystic meg program A simple program asking the user questions and using their answers to build up a fortune telling in a list.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a mystic meg program A simple program asking the user questions and using their answers to build up a fortune telling in a list."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a mystic meg program A simple program asking the user questions and using their answers to build up a fortune telling in a list

2 Step one The first line allows us to use the sleep commands to pause our program The report=[] creates a list to store our fake fortune telling

3 Step 2:getting the users name The 2 nd line creates a variable called name which will store whatever the user types into the input box The last line ads the name into the list called report

4 Step 3:telling the user their fortune In the first line we ask a simple question and put the users answer into the variable q1 In the second line we see if the user has put an n inside our variable q1 If they have then we append “you need to avoid cats” to our report list In the fourth line we see if the user has put a y inside our variable q 1

5 Step 4:telling their fortune this line prints the report list item by item 0 is the users name 1 is the line from if elif else choice

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