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Proposed Changes to PLS FY 2016 Data Elements SDC Meeting December 09, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Changes to PLS FY 2016 Data Elements SDC Meeting December 09, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Changes to PLS FY 2016 Data Elements SDC Meeting December 09, 2015

2 Proposed New 1. 5AA Physical Item Circulation The total annual circulation of all physical library materials of all types, including renewals. Note: Count all physical materials in all formats that are charged out for use outside the library. Interlibrary loan transactions included are only items borrowed for users. Do not include items checked out to another library. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

3 Proposed New 1. 5AA Physical Item Circulation Rationale Currently, we have a data element 550 Total Circulation of Material. While the definition calls for “annual circulation of all types,” SDCs have indicated inconsistency on whether electronic circulation is counted. This proposed element would be a step toward clarifying that. By separating out physical circulation, electronic circulation (those materials that can only be loaned for a given time frame) and use of electronic information, we will then be able to look at use patterns across different types of materials, track change, and better project future use patterns. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

4 Proposed New 2. 5CC Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information The number of full-content units or descriptive records examined, downloaded, or otherwise supplied to user, from online library resources that require library user authentication but do not have a circulation period. Examining documents is defined as having the full text of a digital document or electronic resource downloaded or fully displayed. Some electronic services do not require downloading as simply viewing documents is normally sufficient for user needs. Include use both inside and outside the library. Do not include use of the OPAC or website. [based on NISO Standard Z39.7 (2013) #7.7, p. 43] - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

5 Proposed New 2. 5CC Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information Rationale This proposed new element is designed to capture the use of online content provided by libraries, but does not require a traditional circulation. Primarily, this element will capture the use of paid, commercial databases. The definition borrowed heavily from NISO standards. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

6 Proposed New 3. 555 Electronic Content Use (Total of 552 and 5CC) Rationale This proposed new element would be a calculated field: the total of 552 Circulation of Electronic Material AND 5CC Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

7 Proposed New 4. 55D Total Collection Use (Total of 5AA, 552 and 5CC) Rationale This proposed new element would be a calculated field: the total of 5AA Physical Item Circulation, 552 Circulation of Electronic Material AND 5CC Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

8 Proposed Change 1. Library Collection Background PLS FY 2014 Users Guide instructs libraries to report data on “selected types of materials” but not ALL materials (“i.e. microform, scores, …”) That is, scores are eliminated from eligibility to be counted as a “selected type of material” in 450-460. Under that same heading, 450 Print Materials instructs to include in the reported figure “…music…that [is] bound in hard or soft covers or in loose-leaf format.” Music that is bound in hard or soft covers is in fact a "score." We think there was some early confusion, which was never corrected, in this attempt to eliminate sheet music from the collection count while including it in the expenditures. Currently, we do want to report expenditures for both sheet music and bound printed music and scores in 353 (where it has always been included.) And, we do want to report the number of scores and other printed, bound music in 450, the overall count of print materials. We do NOT want to include individual pieces of sheet music in 450. The language needs to be revised in both places. - Proposed by the Kathy Sheppard (SC)

9 Proposed Change 1. Library Collection Recommendation Introductory paragraph titled LIBRARY COLLECTION, revise as follows: "This section of the survey (450-460) collects data on selected types of materials. It does not cover all materials (i.e., microform, loose sheet music, maps..." 450 Print Materials, revise as follows: "Report a single figure that includes the following: Books in print. Books are non-serial printed publications (including music scores or other bound forms of printed music, and maps) that are bound in hard or soft covers, or in loose-leaf format. Do not include unbound sheet music. Include non-serial..." Also make "microform" plural in the introductory paragraph: "...materials (i.e. microforms,..." - Proposed by the Kathy Sheppard (SC)

10 Proposed Change 2. 552 Circulation of Electronic Material Electronic Materials are materials that are distributed digitally online and can be accessed via a computer, the Internet, or a portable device such as an e-book reader. Types of electronic materials include e-books and downloadable electronic video and audio files. Electronic materials packaged together as a unit and checked out as a unit are counted as one unit circulation. Include circulation only for items that require a library user authentication, and have a defined circulation period. counted under Electronic Books (E-Books), Audio- Downloadable Units and Video-Downloadable Units in the LIBRARY COLLECTION data elements 450-460. Do not include items not specified under those definitions. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

11 Proposed Change 2. 552 Circulation of Electronic Material Rationale This proposed change clarifies language in this element, which was approved last year. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

12 Proposed Change 3. 550 Total Circulation of Materials (Total of 5AA and 552) Rationale This proposed new element would be a calculated field: the total of 5AA Physical Item Circulation AND 552 Circulation of Electronic Material. - Proposed by the Counting Use Group

13 Proposed Deletions 1. 451 Electronic Books 2. 453 Audio – Downloadable Units 3. 455 Video – Downloadable Units 4. 456 Electronic Collections – Local 5. 457 Electronic Collections – State 6. 458 Electronic Collections – Total - Proposed by Michael Golrick (LA)

14 Proposed Deletions 451 Electronic Books / 453 Audio – Downloadable Units / 455 Video – Downloadable Units / 456 Electronic Collections – Local / 457 Electronic Collections – State / 458 Electronic Collections – Total Rationale As part of the discussion about counting electronic use and resources, a small group has been looking at the definitions of these items. We question whether the responses have any consistent meaning in the rapidly evolving digital content world. Because databases are so unequal in quality, it doesn’t seem like the numbers are comparable from one library to the next, or one state to the next. The electronic books/audio/video numbers are problematic because they are often consortially purchased (so can’t be summed, even at the state level), and don’t even reflect all the online content available to a patron, as our definition includes some ebooks/audio/video, but not others. Moving forward, we are likely to see more models where libraries subscribe to a service rather than to individual titles. We would suggest voting on each item separately. Use of electronic resources will be addressed in a separate set of proposals. - Proposed by Michael Golrick (LA)

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