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The Bill of Rights Activating Strategy- United Streaming Video Segment.

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1 The Bill of Rights Activating Strategy- United Streaming Video Segment

2 The Bill of Rights Essential Question How does the Bill of Rights guarantee the individual rights of a United States citizen?

3 The Bill of Rights Vocabulary 1)Amendment- changes to the Constitution 2)Ratify- (a verb) that means to officially approve something by signing or voting for it. 3)Rights- legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement owed to people, according to the Constitution

4 The Bill of Rights Group Activity Each group will be assigned one of the first ten amendments. 1)In your groups, read your assigned amendment. 2)Discuss and answer the three questions in the activity handout. 3)Each member must write their groups response to each question. 4)You will hand in 1 copy will all members names included to be graded.

5 The Bill of Rights Posters Your group will create a poster that explains their assigned amendment. Your poster must contain the following: 1)Identify the amendment 2)When was the amendment ratified? 3)Explain what `rights are given to US citizens because of the amendment. 4)An illustration for the Amendment.

6 The Bill of Rights Make sure that each students name is on the back of the poster. Make sure that each group member’s name is on the green question sheet. Decide who is going first, second, third, or fourth as the museum guide.

7 The Bill of Rights Museum Walk- You are going to be going on a museum walk in class today. You must take notes on the sheet provided of each of the Constitutional Amendments.

8 The Bill of Rights Amendment I- People have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition the government. Amendment II- People have the right to have a weapon to protect themselves. Amendment III- citizens do not have house soldiers in time of war or peace.

9 The Bill of Rights Amendment IV- The government cannot arrest a person or search their property without just cause. Amendment V- the government must follow the law before punishing a person. The government cannot take your property unless it pays for it. Amendment VI- A person has a right to a fair and speedy trial

10 The Bill of Rights Amendment VII- a person has the right to a jury trial for civil cases. Amendment VIII- The government cannot demand excessive bail or fines, or any cruel and unusual punishment.

11 The Bill of Rights Amendment IX- The Constitution does not include all of the rights of the people. Any other rights are given to you. Amendment X- Any powers that the Constitution does not give to the federal government belongs to the states.

12 The Bill of Rights DO Now 12-22-15 Take out your copy of the amendments.

13 The Bill of Rights XII- The President and Vice President are elected on a party ticket. (1804) XIII- Slavery is illegal. (1865) XV- All US male citizens can vote. (1870) XVI- Congress can tax income. (1913) XVIII – Alcohol is illegal. (1919) XIX- All US female citizens can vote. (1920) XXI- Alcohol is legal. (1933) XXII- The President cannot serve more than two terms. (1951)

14 The Bill of Rights XXV- if the president dies, the VP becomes president. If both die, the Speaker of The House becomes president. (1967) XXVI- US citizens who are 18 or older can vote. (1971) XXVII- Congress must limit when and how much its members are paid. (1992)

15 The Bill of Rights Summarizer 3- List three parts of the 1 st Amendment 2- List the two Amendments that give citizens rights to a jury trial. 1) What is the reason for the Bill of Rights?

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