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Steps to Install VirtueMart 1. Setup Database 2. Download VirtueMart 3. Setup VirtueMart 4. Test installation Prerequisites: 1. XAMPP installation complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Steps to Install VirtueMart 1. Setup Database 2. Download VirtueMart 3. Setup VirtueMart 4. Test installation Prerequisites: 1. XAMPP installation complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps to Install VirtueMart 1. Setup Database 2. Download VirtueMart 3. Setup VirtueMart 4. Test installation Prerequisites: 1. XAMPP installation complete 2. Apache Started 3. MySql Started

2 On the XAMPP Control Panel - Click on Admin next to PhpMyAdmin and create a database named “VMART”

3 Remember MySql User: root, Password: blank Database Created Succesfully

4 To Download VirtueMart eCommerce Bundle: (Click on Mirror) – Note where you save the file.

5 - Extract the file using PkZip, GZIP, 7ZIP, etc to a folder - In my case I extracted to VirtueMartBundle - Copy the extracted folder to the Apache root (c:\xampp\htdocs)‏ - Make sure XAMPP is up and Apache and MySql are running. - Using your browser go to: http://localhost/VirtueMartBundlehttp://localhost/VirtueMartBundle VirtueMart Installation Accept Defaults, click Next until Step 4

6 Accept Defaults until Step 4. Enter the following for mysql: Username: root, password: (leave blank), Database name: VMart

7 Accept Defaults until Step 6. Set Password to vmart123, Default admin user admin Click Install Sample Data – It should come back and say Sample Data installed

8 If you do not enter a password, you should see the error fields in red.

9 When installation is done, you should see this.

10 Rename Folder from Installation to DONE_Installation

11 Access Joomla Admin: http://localhost/VirtueMartBundle/administrator/

12 Admin Panel after login (click on 'Your Online Store')‏

13 Control Panel for Online Store - Explore

14 View store front: http://localhost/VirtueMartBundle/

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