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DMA NOV. 30TH  Week 14  DMA question: What career(s) are you interested in? Why? If you are not sure, what are you NOT interested in?

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Presentation on theme: "DMA NOV. 30TH  Week 14  DMA question: What career(s) are you interested in? Why? If you are not sure, what are you NOT interested in?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DMA NOV. 30TH  Week 14  DMA question: What career(s) are you interested in? Why? If you are not sure, what are you NOT interested in?

2 VOCABULARY “Liar Liar pants on Fire!” “She’s Crafty”

3 “LIAR”  Copy the word, part of speech, and the definition.  You will have a quiz over these words on Friday, December 4 th.

4 1. DUBIOUS  Doubtful; of unlikely authenticity  adjective  Jerry’s claim that he could fly like Superman seemed dubious – we didn’t believe it.

5 2. FABRICATED  Def. Made; concocted to deceive  Verb  Sample sentence: Fabio fabricated the story that he used to play drums for Metallica; he had never actually held drumsticks in his life.

6 3. HYPOCRISY  Def. The practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity (Abstract noun)  Sample sentence: People who claim to be vegetarian but eat chicken and fish are guilty of hypocrisy.

7 4. SLANDER  Def. False charges and malicious oral statements about someone  Abstract noun  Sample sentence: After the radio host stated that Monica was a space alien, she sued him for slander.

8 5. SPURIOUS  Def. Not genuine  Adjective  Sample sentence: The sportscaster made a spurious claim when he said that the San Antonio Spurs were undefeated.

9 “CRAFTY”  (new section)

10 1. ASTUTE  Def. Shrewd; clever  Adjective  Sample sentence: Kevin is financially astute; he never falls for the tricks that credit card companies play.

11 2. CLANDESTINE  Def. Secretive  Adjective  Sample sentence: The spies planned a clandestine maneuver that depended on its secrecy to work.

12 3. COUP  Def. A brilliantly executed plan  Noun  Sample sentence: It was quite a coup when I talked the salesperson into selling me this valuable cuckoo clock for five dollars.

13 4. DISINGENUOUS  Def. Not straightforward; crafty  Adjective  Sample sentence: Mr. Gelman was rather disingenuous; although he seemed to be simply asking about your health, he was really trying to figure out why you’d been absent.

14 5. RUSE  A crafty trick  Noun  Sample sentence: The offer of a free cruise was merely a ruse to get people to listen to their sales pitch.

15 6. STRATAGEM  Def. A clever trick used to deceive or outwit  Noun  Sample sentence: Planting microphones in the gangster’s home was a clever, but illegal, strategem.

16 7. SURREPTITIOUSLY  Def. Done by secretive means  Adverb  Sample sentence: Matt drank the cough syrup surreptitiously because he didn’t want anyone to know that he was sick.

17 8. WARY  Def. On guard  Adjective  Sample sentence: My father becomes wary whenever a salesman calls him on the phone; he knows that many crooks use the phone so that they can’t be charged with mail fraud.

18 9. WILY  Def. Cunning  Adjective  Sample sentence: Each year, a new batch of wily campers devised ways to torture the cabin leader.


20 VOCAB ASSIGNMENT Form groups of 2-4 people. Using the tune of a holiday song (such as “Frosty the Snowman,” “Jingle Bells,” “Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer,” etc) rewrite the song using at least 10 vocabulary words, any combination from any weeks.

21 DUE TOMORROW!  Your topic/research question – sign up between 6:15 and 2:45.  Nerd Essay annotated and chart filled out!  Due Wednesday: Holiday Song using 10 vocabulary words.

22 ALSO DUE TOMORROW:  “Nerd” Essay annotated and chart filled in.  Bring it back tomorrow and we will look at sample essays..  You will have about 30 minutes to work on songs/sign up for JRP Topic…

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