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Outsourcing and Commercial Activities FEDLINK Membership Meeting October 17, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Outsourcing and Commercial Activities FEDLINK Membership Meeting October 17, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outsourcing and Commercial Activities FEDLINK Membership Meeting October 17, 2002

2 Competitive Sourcing  1 of 5 issues on President’s Management Agenda  White House goal to achieve 15% by end of FY03  Baseline set by all eligible “commercial activities” from FY2000 FAIR Act inventory  Eligibility based on current FAIR Act inventory  “Compete”= to determine if government function is more effectively carried out by federal personnel

3 FAIR Act Inventory  Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act initiated publication of commercial activities in 1998  Annually identify functions not “inherently governmental” and publish lists on Websites  Gives private sector basis for demanding competition for functions “commercially available”  Force and effect greatly increased under Bush Administration’s high priority and “quota” system

4 A-76 Role in Competitive Sourcing  Preceded FAIR Act and Bush agenda: 1966  Over the years, emphasized (or not) by Presidents or agency heads  Currently determines whether commercial function will be performed by government or contract staff  Note: Activities of 10 FTE or smaller may be privatized without competition

5 Commercial Activities Panel  May 2001-April 2002: Comptroller General, chair  Collected comments (FLICC responded); held 3 hearings—at least one librarian testified  Report issued April 2002 (see GAO Website):  Agreed on 10 “Sourcing Principles”  No recommendations re. inherently governmental definition  Recommended FAR process over A-76  OMB proceeding to implement FAR recommendation

6 Federal Library Experiences  Suzanne Grefsheim, NIH Library—HHS FAIR Act inventory for 2002  Barbara Wrinkle, Air Force Libraries—A-76 and lessons learned over several years’ application  Q & A and audience comments

7 Resource: Handbook of Federal Librarianship, Chapter V By FLICC Education Working Group Look for update: November 2002

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