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Language points Unit 1 Great Scientists. Find the words related to the explanations. 1. way to treat a disease 2. serious 3. be responsible for sth bad.

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Presentation on theme: "Language points Unit 1 Great Scientists. Find the words related to the explanations. 1. way to treat a disease 2. serious 3. be responsible for sth bad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language points Unit 1 Great Scientists

2 Find the words related to the explanations. 1. way to treat a disease 2. serious 3. be responsible for sth bad 4. besides 5. give directions to sb 6. look after 7. leave sb unprotected 8. take in cure severe be to blame apart from instruct attend expose absorb Language Using

3 put forward infectious announce conclusion handle control severe apart from 1. Who _______________ a theory about black holes? 2. What ______________ did you draw? 3.The car went out of ___________ and crashed. 4. SARS is a terrible _____________ disease. 5. He _____________ a difficult argument skillfully. 6.The cholera outbreak was so ________ that more than 500 people had died in 10 days. 7. Everyone was silent as he ___________ the winner of the match. 8._____________ visiting the zoo, we went to the museum. put forward conclusions control infectious handled severe announced Apart from

4 词汇拓展 : down out aside off up on away put 记下 熄灭 放在一边 ; 储存 推迟,延期 举起 ; 建造 ; 张贴 穿上 收好 ; 存储 1. put forward

5 The plan that you ____________ at the meeting is wonderful. Many tall buildings were ________ along the road. Firefighters have been called to _______ the fire in the city centre. He’s got a few thousand pounds to _______________ for future use. Don’t ______ until tomorrow what can be done today. put forward put up put out put aside/put away put off

6 2. draw a conclusion ____ conclusion (=finally), I would like to thank all the people who helped me. In 得出结论

7 3. attend v. 1) to look after 照看, 照料. The doctor attended (to) the patients. 2) to be present at 出席, 到场. attend a lecture attend school (college) attendance n.

8 Many girls like to expose themselves to the sun in summer. Many girls like to be exposed to the sun in summer. expose expose oneself to sth. = be exposed to

9 4. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 在句中是过去分词作后置定语, 表示被动. 意为 “ 患霍乱的 ”. 如 : The book written by Luxun is very popular.


11 5. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. absorb…into… 吸收 This drug is quickly absorbed into the body.

12 JiJi was so absorbed in working that he didn’t attend his own health. 专注于... be absorbed in 沉浸于 …

13 6. It seemed that the water was to blame. be to blame 应受责备 ( 主动形式表示被动意义 ) 那次事故不怪孩子们. The children were not to blame for the accident. blame sth on sb 把... 归咎于某人

14 7. Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. look into 往 … 里面看;调查;了解。 We’ll look into this matter together.

15 8. link … to … (be linked to…) Health Report - Portable music players are linked to hearing loss. 将 …. 和 …. 联系起来

16 9. announce with certainty 肯定地宣布 May I have your attention, Please? I have an announcement to ________. make

17 10. Finally King Cholera was defeated. defeat v. 打败, 击败 defeat sb / sth. win 赢得 + 比赛, 辩论, 战斗, 奖项

18 1. know about… 了解 …… 的情况 2. lift up 举起 ; 抬起 ; 提升 3. steam engine 蒸汽机 4. physical characteristic 人体的特征 5. put forward a theory about black holes 提出一个有关黑洞的理论 6. infectious disease 传染性的疾病 7. in scientific research 在科学研究上 Expressions & phrases

19 8. draw a conclusion 得出结论 9. analyse the results 分析结果 10. ordinary people 百姓 ; 普通人 11. expose (…)to sth. 暴露 (…..) 在 …… 中 12. the most deadly disease 最致命的疾病 13. terrified people 被吓坏的人们 14. absorb sth. into… 把 …. 吸收入 ….

20 15. gather the information 收集信息 16. be determined to do sth. 决心干某事 17. a valuable clue 一条珍贵的线索 18. apart from 除..… 之外 … 19. link … to … 将 …. 和 …. 联系起来 (be linked to…) 20. announce with certainty 肯定地宣布 21. prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事

21 apart from… 除 ….. 之外 =besides,except 所以我求求你, 别让我离开你. 除了你, 我不能感到, 一丝丝情意. never So I beg you never to part.__________ you,I can’t feel any love.Apart from 我怀疑除了自己我还能相信谁. I wonder who I can trust ______________ myself. besides.___________ the cost, the project will take a lot of time as well. A. Except B. Except for C. In addition D. Apart from Mary didn't come to our party because he was busy preparing for the exam. We all felt sorry _____her. A. apart B. without C. except D. besides

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