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How to write a research paper. The different parts of a research paper.

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1 How to write a research paper. The different parts of a research paper

2  You will need a title page.  This includes:  - The title of your paper  - Your name  - Subject and course number  - Teacher’s name  -Chambly Academy  - Due date

3 Introduction  At the top of the page is your title.  Every other page must be numbered.  Your introduction paragraph is only a few sentences long.  Purpose: to briefly explain the topic along with some key information.  For example: name the epidemic and explain why we remember it even today.

4 Body paragraphs  Most of your information will go into the body paragraph(s).  You start a new paragraph when you write about a new idea or topic.  For example: one paragraph on the outbreaks, another on the symptoms, etc.

5 Body paragraphs  You will be citing information in your body paragraph(s).  This means that you are including information from sources of info.  You can:  - quote directly (with “” marks)  Or paraphrase (take the information and write it in your own words)

6 Body paragraphs  Example of direct quote:  “Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and even death if untreated.” (WebMD)  Example of paraphrasing:  Cholera is an infectious disease that can cause severe watery diarrhea. This can lead to dehydration and possibly death if it is untreated. (WebMD)

7 Body paragraphs  Whether you quote directly or paraphrase, you need to write citations at the end of those sentences.  These show where you got your information from.  Book: (Author’s last name, page #)  Example: (Collins 78)  Website: (title of website)  Example: (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

8 Conclusion  Your conclusion serves to sum up the main ideas of your research paper.  Your conclusion will be shorter than a body paragraph.  You don’t include any new information in your conclusion.  For example,

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