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Barriers which Inhibit the Transition from School to Employement Classification of learner's barriers I.E.A / I.C.R.

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Presentation on theme: "Barriers which Inhibit the Transition from School to Employement Classification of learner's barriers I.E.A / I.C.R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barriers which Inhibit the Transition from School to Employement Classification of learner's barriers I.E.A / I.C.R

2 1. Attitudes/Perception

3 People usually are really friendly with persons with disabilities, but they have not enough information about what disability is and sometimes what they have is not real information.

4 Some people told to a job seeker with a disability that it is useless to send CV's because he/she will not be choosen anyway.

5 2. Structural

6 There are some laws in the papers but nothing in the reality. Some laws are not useful.

7 There are no concrete laws to integrate people with disabilities in normal jobs.

8 3. Environmental

9 Some of the job seekers with a disabilty say that it is getting better compared to the past, but there is still some social discrimination.

10 4. Education/ Training

11 Many persons with disabilities attend special schools.

12 5. Resources/ Opportunities/ Information

13 Advertisements of awareness about disabilities are only emited on holidays, like something extraordinary.

14 Some of them say that employers prefer people without disabilities.

15 Some people looked at them while they were working as if they were obstacles for the good results on the work.

16 6. Accessibility

17 Although a lot of work has been done, there still are mainstream school which are not accessible.

18 In mainstream schools there are some dificulties for persons with disabilities to pass the exams.

19 Mainstream an special schools do not prepare students appropriately for the working life.

20 Most buildings are not adapted for persons with disabilities.

21 7. Economic Reason

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