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ERDAS TITAN: Rapid, Secure & Versatile GIS Data Sharing Eddie Pickle & Angela Miele November 6, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "ERDAS TITAN: Rapid, Secure & Versatile GIS Data Sharing Eddie Pickle & Angela Miele November 6, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERDAS TITAN: Rapid, Secure & Versatile GIS Data Sharing Eddie Pickle & Angela Miele November 6, 2008

2 Agenda ERDAS TITAN Overview Functionality and use cases Architecture Functionality Demonstration Discussion © ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved2

3 ERDAS TITAN Publish Visualize Access Discover Establish secure networks of geospatial authors & consumers sharing data Search 3© ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved

4 4 Find, Describe, Catalog & Deliver Geospatial Data, Web Services & Geo-Processing Processing Engines Rules Based Engine Sensor Model Support ERDAS Geospatial Enterprise Platform Mobile Apps For Field Update Oracle PostGIS Files Image Compressor Ortho Color Balance & Mosaic Metadata Catalog Raster I/O & NITF IMAGINE / ERM Author & Publish Models Google Earth Virtual Earth Web App Framework Data Management Application and SDK MS SQL ESRI GeoDB ArcMap TITAN WMS WCS CS-W WMS WFS-T WPS Feature Editing Feature Portrayal Engine JPIP ECW-P TITAN GeoHub http:// WWW

5 TITAN Functionality and Use Cases Organizations need to: ― Expose data stores ― Enable network participants to readily share GIS data Data providers need: ― Immediate publishing and distribution of data ― Data security Data consumers need: ― Immediate access and viewing of up-to-date, real time, dynamic data ― Create mash ups with disparate data in a variety of formats Derive a common operational picture for situational awareness In various geospatial applications ― Communicate and collaborate with other network members 5© ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved

6 How ERDAS TITAN Works Geospatial Data Geospatial Web Services Location Based Content Data In Desktop, Internet, 3D Virtual Globe applications Data Out Drag and drop shared data Faster than standard file-transfer modes – even huge images can be quickly published, viewed and utilized by others Users don’t need to download to view! 6© ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved

7 Browse User Shares © ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved7

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10 Data In: Many Data Sources, One Client © ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved10 Unlimited public and private data sources…. Published through one client…. NMA GIS Clearinghouse Federal Government State & Local Government Data Provider Image Manager OGC Web Services Image Web Server (IWS) Local Data Data Containers

11 Data Out: One Client, Many Applications © ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved11 One client…Consumed into multitudes of applications Desktop Internet 3D Virtual Globe

12 Easily Create Dynamic Mash-ups Save data, Web services and location-based content in one dynamic 3D presentation and share publicly or privately with others 12© ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved

13 ERDAS TITAN Products: TITAN GeoHub A GeoHub is a “caching proxy server” ― TITAN Clients communicate, index and share data through these proxy servers ― Data is cached and returns faster on re-fetch Enables internal and external permission-based data access ― Users are “subscribers” to a GeoHub ― Managed by an Admin GeoHub Admin maintains complete control –Sets user sharing limitations –Can enable private data sharing capabilities Subscribers can share data publicly or privately to individuals or groups © ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved13

14 TITAN Features and Benefits TITAN Client installation and registration is fast and simple Immediate access to communities, groups and individuals who are sharing data both publicly and privately Easily publish data from the field ― Secure: permission based ― Rapid: no need to centralize/upload ― Versatile: TITAN Client transforms and serves the data Retrieve data into multitudes of applications ― No hassle with format translations ― No need to download data. View immediately!!! Communicate via instant messenger Easy: make data and content mash ups in Viewer and publish RESULT: Common Operational Picture/Situational Awareness 14© ERDAS, Inc. A Hexagon Company. All Rights Reserved

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