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Communication skills Definition Process Types Network Characteristics

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1 Communication skills Definition Process Types Network Characteristics
Importance Barriers

2 Communication Goals

3 Definition Use of effective language for conveying a technical/commercial/ industrial message to achieve a predetermined purpose

4 Communication is the method by which people share their ideas, information, opinions and feelings. Commonly used, the term communication refers to information sharing. We share language, thoughts, feelings and behaviour but each is filtered through a unique, individual mind. In its broadest sense, communication is not simply the transmission or reception of messages or responses but a relationship between individuals. When communication occurs inside a single person, the sharing of thoughts and feelings with the self is called intrapersonal. Between two or more persons, communication is interpersonal.

5 Common Frame of Reference
Process Common Frame of Reference Sender Message Receiver Response Channel Sent Received Semantic Gap Feed back

6 Steps Ideation Encoding Transmission Receiving Decoding Action
Sender Receiver Ideation Encoding Transmission Receiving Decoding Action Acceptance

7 Typical features of communication
Two way process Continuous/Ongoing Functional Cumulative process Irreversible Contextual Complex Inevitable

8 Types Communication Verbal Non verbal Signs Symbols Body Language Oral

9 ORAL Face – to – face Telephonic Group Meeting Seminar Conference/
Symposium Panel Discussion Presentation Interview

10 ORAL COMMUNICATION Limitations Advantages Future ref not possible
Not-effective if poor speaker Not suitable for lengthy details Distortion Poor retention Advantages Adjustable Clarifier Time Persuasion & control Formality Cost Convenient/reliable for Groups

11 WRITTEN e – mail Fax Memorandum Notice Circular Press release Letter
Report Proposal Research paper

12 Written Communication
Advantages Most wanted Permanent Legal evidence Accurate Suitable for lengthy & complicated messages/communication Limitations Limited to only Literates Costly, time consuming Formal Delayed feedback

13 Body Language Kinesics– Branch of learning
Kinesics – the study of nonverbal body motions as a systematic node of communication People trust their ears less than their eyes. when a speaker’s body language is inconsistent with their words the listeners will tend to believe their eyes

Aspects Personal Appearance Facial Expression Posture Gesture Eye Contact Space, Distancing Touch Non verbal cues or Visible codes

15 PARALANGUAGE Defined as “how” of language Includes volume
Pitch Pronunciation Modulation Articulation Stress Tone Intonation Pauses Speed

16 Network Informal (Grapevine) Formal Vertical Horizontal Radial

17 Communication Flow in an Organization (formal)
Vertical communication Lateral or Horizontal Communication Diagonal or Cross-wise Communication

18 Formal Vertical communication flow
Instructional Informational Feedback Submission

19 Horizontal communication flow (Lateral)
Sharing Coordinating

20 Radial communication flow (crosswise / diagonal)
Feedback Instructional Informational Publicity

21 INTERNAL INFORMAL: GRAPEVINE Single strand Gossip Probability Cluster


23 Informal (Grapevine) Importance Limitations Non expensive Most rapid
Multidirectional Barometer of public opinion Outlet for anxiety worries Limitations Degree of error Baseless, nonfactual – harmful Add to the facts Misunderstanding (incomplete) So swift – damage to organization

24 Grapevine How to use Supplement the formal channels do not ignore
do not threaten identify main sources Realize human relationships

25 Technical communication/General purpose communication
General purpose communication is concerned with the world at large. Technical (business) communication is specifically concerned with well defined business activities.

26 Characteristics of technical communication
Open communication climate Committed to ethics Perception of multicultural Audience awareness Efficient flow

27 Characteristics contd…..
Clear – unambiguous Concise – direct, precise Correct – specific, accurate Complete – self contained Courteous – cordial, polite Impartial and objective

28 Importance of technical communication
Life line of business Measure the success, growth Link within & outside Tangible product of the work Valuable repository/container of information Develops desirable qualities Reveals gaps in thinking

29 Difference between general purpose and technical communication
Structure flexible Content (any) Layout (flexible) Audience (not always specific) Nature (not always objective) Business Rigid Business,industrial technical Only to specific Mostly objective

30 Steps involved in solving a Communication Problem
Identify the Problem Discover the Cause(s) Evaluate the alternative solution Select and apply the best solution Follow through

Definition Errors, misunderstandings and several other factors that prevent us transmitting our ideas meaningfully causing communication failure.

Classification Barriers in Intrapersonal communication Barriers in Interpersonal communication Barriers in organizational communication

33 Intrapersonal Barriers -usually stems from wrong assumptions.
Rigidity of thought Unclarified assumptions Different perceptions of reality Premature evaluation of message Negative attitude (source, message, person) Fear of the unknown Inferiority/ superiority complex Lack of interest Categorical thinking- ‘Know it all’ Choice of Words

34 Interpersonal Barriers
Absence of common frame of reference Presence of noise in channel Cultural differences Display of intense emotions Poor listening Poor synchronization of verbal and non-verbal cues Vague objectives Choice of wrong variety of language Semantic differences Psycho-physical factors

35 Organizational Barriers
Hierarchy in organization Delay Distortion Alteration Superior-subordinate relationship Interpretation Grapevine Information overload Too many transfer stations Fear of superior perception Negative attitude in organization Misunderstood application of freedom

36 Tips for effective presentation
Know thyself! (Read thy subject of discourse!) Be focused Brevity is the soul of wit Know your audience Infuse your words with an earthiness that will appeal to a wider audience. Create the right ambience

37 Tips continued….. Be sincere in your utterances.
Be positive. Believe in your self. Bring alive and exploit the magic in and of words. Reach out to your audience.

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