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Journal 44 – Using Description and Sound Devices in Children Storybooks.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 44 – Using Description and Sound Devices in Children Storybooks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 44 – Using Description and Sound Devices in Children Storybooks

2 I love school, but I hate homework. I jump rope, and I hop scotch. Your turn: I ____________ _______________, ______________ I _____________ _______________. Verbnoun conjunction verbnoun I ____________ _______________, ______________ I _____________ _______________ Verbnoun conjunction verb noun What device is used in these sentences?

3 How are you brave, when you feel fear? Why are you loud, if you love silence? Your turn: How are you _____________, when you ___________ ____________? adj verb noun Why are you _____________, if you ______________ _____________? adj verb noun

4 The dog hopped off the hammock, dashed out the door, flew through the fence, and sped down the street. The __________________ _____________________ ____________ the ________________, Nounverb prepositionnoun _____________________ ___________ the ________________, verb prepositionnoun _____________________ ___________ the ________________, verb prepositionnoun and _____________________ ___________ the ________________, verb prepositionnoun Use alliteration for the verbs and nouns.

5 Identify the alliteration and simile in the passage below. Frankie the Frog flung into the sky like a fiercely flying falcon. Now fill in the blanks with your own protagonist. ____________________________ ________________ _____________________________ Subject ( alliteration) verb (alliteration) prepositional phrase/direct object __________ ___________________________________________________________. Like/as Simile (alliteration)

6 Identify the hyperboles and similes in the passage below. Then write your own passage of hyperboles and similes to describe your character and/or setting. In a house the size of a postage stamp lived Frankie, a frog as big as a barge. His mouth could drink the entire river. You could say it was rather large. For dinner he would eat a trillion flies and a river full of gnats, washed it down with a tanker of algae juice as if he were a drain.

7 Identify the alliteration, personification, and parallel structure in the passage below. Then write your own passage to describe a situation involving your character using alliteration, personification, and parallel structure. Frankie the Frog whistled his way down the desert’s dusty road. He halted when suddenly he saw what stood before him: a nest of nightingales making knobs, a bunch of broncos building bricks, a herd of hyenas hammering a house, and a group of geckos growing some gardenias.

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