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Chapter 1 Principles of Government. Section 1 Government and the State.

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1 Chapter 1 Principles of Government

2 Section 1 Government and the State

3 What is Government? Government is the institution through which a society makes and enforces polices –3 Basic Power Legislative- Has power of making laws Executive- Has power of enforcing laws Judicial- Has power of interpreting laws -All three Branches must follow what is stated in the constitution.

4 Where is the power? The type of government a country has determines where the power is. Dictatorship-One person has all the power. Democracy- The people have the power.

5 Four characteristics of a state A state is a body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically, and with the power to make and enforce the law. –Population –Territory –Sovereignty –Government.

6 Political Ideas The Force Theory- Stated that one person claimed control over an area and forces others to follow their lead. When there was a leader the four characteristics of a state are established.

7 Political Theory The evolutionary Theory- stated that the first governments started with one person being the leader and over time grew to a group leading instead of just one person. This happened over many years as families grew.

8 Political Theory The Divine Right Theory- stated that God created the state and gave those of royal birth the divine right to rule the people of that state. Accepted in western world in the 15 th -18 th centuries.

9 Political Theory Social Contract Theory- stated that there was no state and could be no state until the people agreed to form one. Developed in the 17 th and 18 th centuries by Hobbes, Harrington, Locke, and Rausseau.

10 Purpose of our Government and the constitution. The Six main parts –Form a more perfect union Belief that an union has more strength then a single person. –Establish Justice What the people find to be fair, truthful, or what has liberty. –Insure Domestic Tranquility Peace with in the country, one of the prime functions.

11 Purpose of our Government and the constitution. Provide a Common Defense –Defense of our nation and foreign policies.. Promote the General Welfare –Ex. Publish Schools –Ex. Clean air and water Secure the Blessings of Liberty –The values our nation was founded on.

12 Section 2 Forms of Government

13 Forms Of Government Classified by: –Who can participate –Geographic distribution of governmental power with in the state. –Relationship between legislative and executive branches.

14 Who can participate Democracy- all the people, the power rests with the people Dictatorship- Leaders are not held responsible for the will of the people. Autocracy- one person has absolute power over the state. Oligarchy- power rests with a small group of people usually self appointed.

15 Geographical Distribution of Power Unitary- Centralized government has all the power. Federal Government- power divided among the central and local Government. Confederation-alliance of independent States.

16 Parliamentary Government Executive leader comes from within the legislative branch. Leader of Majority Party Members of the cabinet come from the already serving parliament members Must be approved by other members

17 Section 3 Basic concepts of Democracy

18 Basic Concepts of Democracy A recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person A respect for the equality of all persons A faith in majority rule and insistence upon majority rights An acceptance of the necessity of compromise An insistence upon the widest possible degree of individual Freedom

19 A recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person Interest of and Individual can be put aside for the better of the majority –Ex. People don’t want to pay taxes but must for the better of the majority. –Must Stop at Stop Signs –Registering for the draft

20 A respect for the equality of all persons All are entitled to –Equality of opportunity –Equality before the law No Person show be held back based on race, color, religion, or gender.

21 A faith in majority rule and insistence upon majority rights The majority will be correct more often then the minority. Both must keep checks on each other. The minority is still entitled to all the same rights as the majority.

22 An acceptance of the necessity of compromise Compromising- process of blending and adjusting competing views and interests. Tries to find what will please the greatest number of people.

23 An insistence upon the widest possible degree of individual Freedom Does not give people total Freedom. People are free to do as the please as far as the freedom of all others will allow. There can never be total freedom because eventually the strong will emerge and take control of a society.

24 Our Economy Free Enterprise System-characterized by private ownership of capital goods Follows law of Supply and Demand –Determines how much of a good is produced by how high the demand for that product is.

25 Democracy and the Internet Internet has allowed people to by and sell things from their own home. Has helped economy In the future votes for elections could be cast over the internet. –A few places have done test runs –Eventually all voting will take place over the internet instead of in polls

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