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6 PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT I. FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION 1.Set up political parties so we can join together to vote 2.Treat races of people equally 3.Extension.

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Presentation on theme: "6 PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT I. FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION 1.Set up political parties so we can join together to vote 2.Treat races of people equally 3.Extension."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT I. FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION 1.Set up political parties so we can join together to vote 2.Treat races of people equally 3.Extension of voting to various groups II. ESTABLISH JUSTICE 1.Using police to enforce laws/maintain order 2.Establish a judicial system- courts, judges, prisons

2 III. INSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY 1.Using the National Guard to maintain peace in times of riots and natural disasters. 2.Laws of fairness and equality. IV. PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE 1.Use of the military 2.NATO 3.United Nations

3 V. PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE 1.Emission control laws 2.Welfare programs 3.Social Security VI. SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY 1.Freedoms in the 1 st Amendment 2.Right to spend money the way you choose 3.Right to do for yourself as long as you do not impose on someone else’s right of liberty.

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