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CAREER SKILLS: JOB APPLICATION Mr. Toth 3/15/2010 – 3/16/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "CAREER SKILLS: JOB APPLICATION Mr. Toth 3/15/2010 – 3/16/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAREER SKILLS: JOB APPLICATION Mr. Toth 3/15/2010 – 3/16/2010

2 Follow the Directions  Read all directions before writing anything.  This shows employers that you care.

3 Filling in Blanks on the Form  Always answer all questions on the application.  Do not leaven anything blank.  If the question does not relate to you, then write down “NA” for non-applicable.

4 Answer Neatly and Honestly  Write information neatly so it looks professional and is easy to read.  Do not lie on any part of your application.  Lying can get you fired later on if your employer finds out.

5 Emphasize your Strongest Qualities  Write down the things that you do best.  Write down the things that you want your employer to know about you.

6 Overcoming a Previous Firing or Layoff  The best answer to put down is “Would prefer to discuss.”  This way there is less chance that an employer will pass judgment on you and not pick you.  Give you a chance to talk about the situation face- to-face in an interview.

7 Answer the Salary Question Carefully  It is tricky question when an employer asks you how much you want to be paid.  A good answer to put down is “Open.”  This implies to the employer that money is not the main reason you want the job.

8 Sign and Date the Application  For legal purposes you must sign and date the application.

9 Personal Information  Name  Social Security Number  Address  Phone  Additional Address  E-mail  Other Names

10 Work-Related Information  Exact Position (the name of the position you are applying for)  Posting Number (company ID number assigned to the position you are applying for)  Names of Relatives (your relatives who work at the company)  Type of Work Desired (part-time, temporary, or full- time)

11 Felony Information  Employers want to know if you have criminal charges against you.  A false statement will disqualify you.  Explain any felony in a truthful manner.

12 Education  List all the schools that you have attended.  Record any certificates, licenses, or training you have received through an employer.

13 Military Service  Write “NA” is this section does not apply to you.  Describe your military service, if any.  Indicate whether you are a dependant of a veteran.

14 Employment Record  Give a complete summary of each previous job position that you have had.  List skills that you have demonstrated that match with the skills you need for the job you are seeking.

15 References  Always provide three references.  Provide complete address, phone number, and e- mail information.  Get approval from a person before you decide to use him or her as a reference.

16 Request to Contact Your Current Employer  Answer this question cautiously.  Say “Yes” only if your employer is aware of your job search and approves.  Protect your current job by replying “No” if you do not want your employer to be contacted.

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