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Welcome to Centerfield’s Open House Ms. Becky Goetzinger 1 st Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Centerfield’s Open House Ms. Becky Goetzinger 1 st Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Centerfield’s Open House Ms. Becky Goetzinger 1 st Grade

2 Opening Reflection In 20 years, what do you want to see your child doing? Think for a moment and then share your vision with your child. What can we do now to make sure that dream becomes a reality?

3 Our Daily Schedule 7:25-7:45Breakfast 7:45 am!!!School Begins 7:45-8:45 Reading Workshop 8:45-9:45 Writing Workshop 9:45-10:00 Read Aloud/Snack 10:00-11:00 Math Workshop 11:00-11:30 Science/SS 11:30-12:01Lunch 12:01-12:21Wellness 12:21-1:00Intervention 1:00-1:30Class Meeting 1:30-2:15Related Arts 2:20Dismissal

4 Snack We will have mid-morning snack each day. Students may bring a HEALTHY snack: fruit, crackers, raw vegetables, string cheese. Our classroom is a NUT-FREE zone. Water only. No juice or soda.

5 Lunch Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from the cafeteria. ALL students use a lunch number for cafeteria purchases. Students may purchase extras in the After 3 charges student has PB&J

6 Related Arts 1:30-2:15 pm Rotate every 2 weeks Music - Ms. Erin King Art - Ms. Robin Grattan PE - Ms. Jenny Forseth Library Check-out Ms. Bethany Blake Every Monday

7 Classroom Rules 1. Be kind. 2.Be safe. 3.Be your best. Positive Discipline Natural consequences Class meetings Whole group decision making

8 Homework Communication Tool 30 minutes per night –15 minutes of nightly reading –15 minutes of work work, math, science, social studies, or writing Some homework should be completed the night that it is assigned; other homework will take several days to complete. Learning takes practice!

9 Regular Communication Class Website: Daily Homework Folder Student Planner - Please sign nightly -Write notes/questions, lunch visits - Transportation changes on separate sheet of paper with student name and date Tuesday Folders from Office

10 Progress Progress Reports –3 times during the year –November, March, & May Conferences –Parent conferences in October –Student-led conferences in May

11 Birthdays We are “food-free” at Centerfield for birthdays and class parties. Alternatives to edible goodies: –Pencils or stickers for each classmate. –One large gift for the class such as a book or craft supplies. Birthday party invitations may NOT be distributed at school unless each class member is invited.

12 Volunteering You are encouraged to volunteer! You must complete a background check as well as confidentiality training. How do you want to help?

13 Transportation How will your child get home on the first day of school? How will your child normally go home? Do you know your bus number? Please complete the transportation form and leave it with Ms. Goetzinger TODAY!

14 Contact Ms. Goetzinger Phone: 241-1772 ext. 119 E-mail: Website: Note in planner

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