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Tragedy. Shakespearean plays Three genres: History Tragedy Comedy.

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Presentation on theme: "Tragedy. Shakespearean plays Three genres: History Tragedy Comedy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tragedy

2 Shakespearean plays Three genres: History Tragedy Comedy

3 Tragedy and Aristotle A tragic hero is a character of great importance who experiences a downfall as a result of their hamartia. Hamartia: a fatal flaw or mistake. This facilitates the audience’s experience of catharsis. Catharsis: Purging of the emotions of pity and fear.

4 Example: Oedipus Rex

5 Oedipus Rex

6 Tragedy and Hegel A tragic collision occurs when two mutually exclusive but equally legitimate causes come into conflict. The inability for these causes to be reconciled results in tragedy.

7 Example: Antigone

8 Tragedy and Nietzsche The origin of tragedy is symbolically represented in the confrontation of Apollo (the Greek god of order and restraint) and Dionysus (the Greek god of impulse and instinct).

9 Example: The Simpsons

10 Tragedy and Miller The common person is an apt subject of a tragedy The tragic feeling is evoked in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down their life, if need be, to secure their sense of personal dignity.

11 Example: Wreck-it Ralph

12 Text list Aristotle Hegel Nietzsche Miller

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