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Supplies Book and reading log Paper Turn in vocab 10 practice sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplies Book and reading log Paper Turn in vocab 10 practice sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplies Book and reading log Paper Turn in vocab 10 practice sheet

2 1 2 3 4 5

3 Cred: believe Credulous Incredible Credence Creed Credential Credit Credibility

4 A- or an- : Not or without Anarchy Atheist Abyss Achromatic Anhydrous Anonymous Apathy

5 Log: word Prologue Epilogue Dialogue Monologue Logo Logic Analogy

6 Pod or Ped: feet Podiatrist Pedicure Tripod Pedometer Pedal Impede Podium Centipede Millipede Pedestrian

7 Mal: bad malformation maladjusted dismal malady malcontent malfunction malfeasance maleficent

8 Bene: good Benefactor Beneficial Benevolent Benediction Beneficiary Benefit





13 Viv or vita: life Revive Survive Vivid Vivacious Vitality Vivisection Vital Vitamins Revitalize

14 Auto-: self Automobile Automatic Automotive Autograph Autonomous Autoimmune Autocorrect Autodetect Autoflush

15 Ject: throw Reject Eject Project Projector Projectile Trajectory Interject Inject

16 Contra- : opposite; to go against Contradict Contrary Controversy counterclockwise Counteract Incontrovertible Contrast Countercultural Counterstrike


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