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Warm-Up – Student Information Cards Front Side First and last name Parent / Guardian Name Home Phone Number or Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number Parent.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up – Student Information Cards Front Side First and last name Parent / Guardian Name Home Phone Number or Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number Parent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up – Student Information Cards Front Side First and last name Parent / Guardian Name Home Phone Number or Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number Parent Email Address Back Side One thing you know about Texas History

2 Welcome to Texas History Mrs. Smith

3 Agenda Teacher Introductions Overview of class Daily Procedures Rules and Expectations Team Building Activity Journal setup

4 Intro – Mrs. Smith Graduated from Judson High School Licensed Cosmetologist for 20 years Associates in Liberal Arts from San Antonio College Bachelors in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University Masters in Secondary Education from Texas State University 9 th year teaching Married and have two children


6 Gabriel & Nicholas

7 Overview Supplies (daily)  Composition Book  Pencil or Pen (blue or black)  Tabs  Project material list will be given at the time project is introduced.

8 Daily Procedures Take care of personal business during passing period Students will arrive to class on time Get interactive journal and materials Warm-up/Hook activity Be seated and working on your warm-up when the bell rings) Activity Closure/Reflection

9 Expectations Be Prepared Participate Be Respectful Be Consistent Be Accountable

10 Journals You journals will be stored on the appropriate shelves. You may take journals home but remember you must have your journal in class everyday. You must keep up with you table of contents and units. You will earn a journal grade every six weeks.

11 Textbooks You will have access to a digital textbook. Your login credentials will be given to you as soon as we receive them. You will be assigned a classroom textbook to work with at school. If you are sitting in desk #1, you will use textbook #1. If you are sitting in desk #2, you will use textbook #2.

12 Assignments If we are working on an assignment that is not in your journal, you will place that assignment in the trays. Each class period has an assignment tray. You must place your first and last name on all assignments that are not in your journal.


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